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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

You could hardly believe this moment had come. Everything you had dreamed about for months - no, years - was finally within reach and you were going to grasp it without a moment’s hesitation. You had been able to charm your way onto the set of Teen Wolf and swipe a badge that identified you as a make-up artist in order to help you navigate the set without suspicion. You could only hope that nobody stopped to ask about make-up because you’d honestly have no idea, it was simply an easy cover story for if security took issues with you wandering around.

The main cast were finishing up filming for the day and you had already passed Ian Bohen on his way back to his trailer. Changing paths, you tailed him from a short distance behind, not because you were interested in him but you knew that if anybody was going to be able to inadvertently lead you to the privacy of Cody Christian’s trailer then it was him.

Ah, Cody Christian. The object of your affection for years now, ever since he had been a cute little twink on Pretty Little Liars. He’d matured into a total hunk and Teen Wolf were wise enough to let him get his kit off every other episode which only fueled your dirtiest of fantasies about him. You’d always admired the level of hotness on the show - Tyler Posey and Dylan Sprayberry in particular got you going - but there was absolutely nobody that rivalled Cody in your eyes. He was an adonis among men and your desire to make him yours utterly consumed you, driving you to work harder than ever to find some way of making it possible.

It had taken time and effort but finally you were certain that you would be able to achieve your dream, all you needed to do was get Cody alone and looking deep into your eyes. He was the priority and while you weren’t opposed to pulling Posey and Sprayberry under your spell as well, you knew that you had to focus on Cody first of all. Perhaps he could then help you rope his castmates in too.

Much to your delight Cody hadn’t bothered to properly lock his trailer door and with just a twist of the handle you were permitted into his private space while on set. Immediately you were hit by a masculine scent, one you knew immediately to be Cody’s. It was everything you’d expected of him and more, so of course within seconds you grabbed a discarded shirt of his and brought it to your nose to enjoy the smell in closer proximity. The sweat on the shirt hadn’t quite dried and you could only imagine what physical exercise Cody had been doing alone in his trailer before heading to set.

Your heart was beating in a frenzied pattern as you waited in his trailer, anticipating the moment when the door would open and Cody would enter. In your mind he was covered in a fine layer of sweat and his hair was beautifully windswept, as if it had been styled that way deliberately. Cody seemed to be a natural of that, being ridiculously photogenic no matter what the circumstances. It was an enviable feature to say the very least.

Every time footsteps were heard outside of the trailer you froze with baited breath until finally the moment arrived and Cody stepped into the trailer every bit of sweaty as you’d hoped he would be. It took several moments for him to notice you but when he did he paused, jaw dropping slightly giving him a perfect o-face. You couldn’t help but think that he was even more beautiful in person, not to mention how kissable those looks appeared to be. God, you couldn’t wait until he was willingly getting those lips all over you.

“Sorry, but who the hell are you?” he grunted, purposefully tensing his muscles to paint an intimidating image. Had you not had such a foolproof fan then perhaps you might have felt scared. Deep down you knew that you were the one in control though so his tensing only served to be an exciting flex show for you.

“You know me, Cody,” you replied, somewhat amazed at how calm you manage to sound despite the hurricane of excitement swirling around in your mind. “It’s me, Matthew. Your boyfriend.” You maintained eye contact with him throughout and were somewhat overwhelmed by the power you could feel brewing inside of you. It was a similar sensation to being drunk but knowing what it truly was made it so much damn better. Your friends had always warned you that magic was intoxicating but you’d never quite believed them until that very moment.

Cody’s face softened - only slightly so - before he shook his head. “That’s not… I’m straight, bro. You’re not my boyfriend,” he replied somewhat curtly, although you could see in his face that he wasn’t quite certain of what he was saying. Good, it’s working! It was encouragement enough to keep going.

“What are you talking about, Cody? We’ve been dating for eighteen months now,” you assured him, smiling innocently and enjoying the visual confusion on the young actor’s face. “You don’t remember asking me out? I was just a fan at a convention and you couldn’t keep your eyes off me…”

“Or hands,” Cody chimed in before pausing, clearly confused by his own addition to the conversation. The magic you had tapped into to make your dreams come true was much faster working than you imagined but you were hardly about to complain about that when it gave you what you want. “This isn’t… it don’t feel right, man.”

“Doesn’t it?” you responded, trying not to sound too smug. It wouldn’t be long until Cody gave in and accepted his altered memories that placed you as his boyfriend. “You don’t remember punching O’Brien because he gave me a dirty look?”

A smirk flashed over Cody’s face before he fought back against it. He rubbed at his knuckles as if remembering the impact of his co-star’s face against his fist. Installing thoughts of aggression and disgust targeted towards Dylan O’Brien had been one of your priorities for the “gentle re-wiring” of Cody’s brain as your loathing for both the actor and his character Stiles Stilinski had magnified over the years to uncontrollable levels. You simply couldn’t understand why anybody fangirled over such a smug prick and every time you saw people push genuinely good guys like Cody and Tyler Posey out of the way for a douchebag like O’Brien. Thankfully you had the power to change things - at least among the Teen Wolf cast - and you weren’t going to waste that opportunity.

Reaching down to grab at the hem of his tank top, Cody slowly lifted it up in a manner that you knew to be teasing. Despite his apparent confusion over what was happening to his memories, he couldn’t fight back against it and gave in to those intense feelings aimed in your direction. While he perhaps didn’t understand it you were confident that in time you’d help him realize how much better things were going to be for him from then on.

“You giving me a show, baby?” you asked, still maintaining eye contact until his tank top passed over his face and was quickly discarded. It didn’t matter how many times you’d seen Cody shirtless in his shows and movies or in his many shirtless selfies on social media, they hardly compared to the glory of seeing it for yourself in person. Every muscle looked like it had been sculpted by greek gods and his handsome face was only more irresistible when partnered with that well-toned body. You might have been envious if you weren’t so certain that from now on he was going to be your bodyguard, boyfriend and bestfriend.

Cody grinned and shrugged his broad shoulders. “You aren’t complaining, are you, babe?” he asked with a sly smile decorating his face. “I thought you liked it when I get my kit off.” With every passing second he both looked and sounded more sure of his actions and words. While Cody had always been brilliant and beautiful, pretty soon he was going to be perfect, all because he was listening to what you were instructing him.

You laughed gently and shook your head, aroused at both the gorgeous display of masculinity before you and how well your plan was working. “I’d never complain, stud,” you retorted, deliberately laying the flirt on thick. It was a thrill just knowing that talking to your celebrity crush like that would only garner you approval rather than confused and disgusted looks. Sure enough Cody laughed and deliberately flexed his biceps to give you a brief show as a reward for your comment. 

The thought that you might even be able to make Tyler Posey and Dylan Sprayberry just as open to rewarding your compliments was definitely an appealing concept. That could be worked on in time though because Cody was definitely your priority, as he no doubt thought he should be. After all his new memories proved to him that you were always his priority and you were happy to say that the same worked in reverse.

Allowing your eyes to trace over Cody’s muscular frame, you couldn’t help but linger on a few certain areas that weren’t quite up to your perfect expectations. “You haven’t shaved,” you stated, curling your lips into a small frown. After a moment of confusion, Cody’s face mimicked the expression. Immediately his hand lifted to scratch at his stubble, proving once again that his new programming was taking ahold of him.

The hypnotic magic that you were accessing in order to restyle Cody’s life was loaned to you by your friend Mr Cavanaugh and his instructions had been clear - maintain eye contact and believe every word you were saying. The eye contact would put Cody into a languid state that made him more receptive to your suggestion, each question you asked him fueling his altered identity and overwriting the polite and understanding straight man he had been before.

“Yeah… I was meaning to,” he mumbled, his hands scratching at his chest hair. The hair under his armpit will have to go too, you silently mused. You preferred your guys hairless so that’s what was going to happen, no question about it. “Sorry about that, bro.” He laughed, low and gentle, and seeing how comfortable he had already became around you filled you with a small sense of achievement that would only grow stronger in time.

“You’re going to fix that, right? When we get home?” you asked, although both of you knew it was more of an order than a question. Despite being an image of traditional masculinity with his square jaw and firm muscles, Cody was submissive when it came to your relationship, both inside and outside the bedroom. Whether he’d quite realized that yet was still be seen but he’d certainly know it in time. You’d already dropped a reference to ‘home’, implying that you live together which you certainly would once Cody had formally invited you to.

Your new life was dawning and you simply couldn’t get enough, barely holding back from screaming every change you expected Cody to undergo in order to get your new life together started as soon as possible. Patience is the key, Mr Cavanaugh had told you but that advice felt frustratingly like a barrier. Still, at least you could potentially have some fun with the game of it all.

“Uh, yeah, of course babe,” he mumbled, cheeks flushing pink for a moment before he shook it off. “We better take off soon, actually.” There it was - his acceptance of you as a permanent fixture in his life, including his home. Soon everything that was his would be shared between you both, the way it should be.

Navigating the Teen Wolf set with Cody’s hand protectively clasped around your own was an interesting experience but your attention was firmly fixed on Cody, thrilled by the anger that washed over his face whenever he caught sight of a crew member casting confused looks your way. He bristled with distrust and loathing seemingly aimed at everyone not you, his grip tightening as if needing the assurance of your presence beside him.

Unsurprisingly Cody’s vehicle was of the sleek and stylish sports car variety as he spared no expenses on his read. The seats were plush leather and being exposed to such luxury was a real thrill. Better get used to it. As he climbed into the driver’s seat, Cody moved one of his hands to your thigh and kept it there as the other moved to the wheel. 

“Get us home fast,” you told him in the same comfortably confident tone that had accompanied all of your requests of him so far. The words seeped right under his skin and infiltrated his mind, convincing him that the only way to get the approval from you that he craved like a drug was to do anything you asked of him.

As requested, Cody drove fast and fearlessly but you felt safe in his presence, knowing he wouldn’t dare to hurt you. Anybody else was fair game but you were on a whole other level - something extremely precious to him that nobody dared look at wrong for fear of what he would do to them. Cody was becoming your own personal bodyguard but with oh so many more perks than just some simple lumbering bouncer.

Despite your obsession, you weren’t a complete stalker so you had never seen Cody’s home but you certainly weren’t disappointed as you rolled up the driveway in front of a sizeable home that was enough to make anybody jealous, especially somebody in their early twenties like Cody. He had managed to do well for himself and lead a comfortably luxurious lifestyle and now he would be opening that lifestyle up to you too as you became the most integral part of his life.

Arriving at his house promised further progression to make your new celebrity boyfriend into the man you wanted him to be. He’d get rid of his body hair, stop wearing so many clothes and most importantly would become the submissive horny bottom bitch that you so desperately craved. There was so much goodness coming your way that you all but rushed ahead of him in your eagerness to get started.

The moment you crossed the threshold though, you knew something inside of Cody had changed. He suddenly seemed uneasy, as if being in his own territory had reminded him of who he was supposed to be. The spike of alarm in your mind set you on edge and suddenly Mr Cavanaugh’s warnings felt like a distant memory and staying calm no longer felt like an option.

“This… this isn’t me,” Cody croaked, staring up at you with wide eyes as if seeing a ghost. You clenched your hands into fists, the stinging of nails pressing against flesh keeping you grounded. This wasn’t all going to be for nothing, it simply couldn’t be after you’d worked so hard!

“Cody, relax,” you hissed, struggling to keep your voice calm. “Just listen to me and I’ll explain what’s going on.”

For a moment Cody relaxed into a neutral expression before breaking free once more. “No, you… you aren’t my boyfriend.”

Cody Christian, listen to my voice,” you demanded, voice finally returning to its steady and unwavering tone. “You will remain calm and continue to listen.”

For several tense moments Cody simply stared at you with the same shocked expression before he finally relaxed into the blank look that had flashed across his face moments earlier. He was back under your thrall and the temporary lack of control was fixed, just as it should be. 

“You are Cody Christian, a proud gay actor and most importantly my boyfriend. I’m the most important thing in your life - more important than your house or your car or even your career.” You paused for a moment, watching him closely. The only movement Cody made was the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in and out. “Who am I, Cody?”

The answer was short, sweet and everything you needed to hear: “My boyfriend.”


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