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Hey folks, there's some pretty scary things going on in the world but I'm a big believer in trying to find reasons to smile during hard times so I thought I'd start this week off with an open question to you all.

Rumors are swirling that we could be spending anywhere between fourteen days and twelve weeks completely shut up indoors. If you had the choice of occupying another person's body for that entire length of time, who would you pick?

My personal choice would be Australian fitness model and personal trainer Nathan McCallum, pictured above. I'm sure I don't need to list all the reasons why I picked him - just look at the image after all!

Feel free to respond to this post letting me know whose body you would pick to get comfortable in for the duration!

P.S.: Given I'll be working from home, I'm hoping to be more consistent with posting daily for you all over the next month or so! Expect regular photo captions interspersed between stories, polls and recommendations as usual!




Gotta go with Rob Gronkowski. Nothing like an NFL party person to liven up a day indoors


Jared Celma because he’s absolutely gorgeous


Gronk's definitely a great choice! He's just signed with the WWE now too so I'm hoping it means we get to see him in some short shorts soon enough!


Oscar Isaac by a long shot. My eyes have always been focused on him ;)


Chris Evans. Not only is he super hot and fit, but i can spend time with Dodger his dog.


Brandon Harding by far hehe


Olivier Richters...all 7'2"/218cm of him!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ew9lIlrKm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Chris Pratt. What can I say, he’s always been my favorite. Plus being quarantined in a big house doesn’t sound so bad and I think he looks good both when he’s fit or when he’s a little chunky. So he’s fine in the event he can’t go work out.


Holy hell what a great choice! Not a guy I'd heard of before but he's a definite hunky delight!


He probably even has a home gym or some equivalent but I completely agree with you - he's a great choice!