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Picking up this guy’s cell phone was an honest mistake. It wasn’t like I actively chose to steal it or anything - our phones were the same make and we even had the same case on it. I just happened to forget that I’d thrown my phone into my bag before my workout so when I returned to the locker room and saw what I believed to be my phone sat on the bench next to my locker, I pocketed it without question. I didn’t even look at it until I got home and discovered that the lock screen wallpaper was not the picture of myself with my sister’s pet dog but rather a shirtless selfie of a guy I was pretty sure I’d seen in the gym just earlier that day.

Face not recognized, the device informed me as it attempted to auto-sign in. I chuckled under my breath, hardly surprised that the device had identified me as a stranger. The guy in the picture was classically handsome with perfectly symmetrical features, chocolate eyes and perfectly groomed facial hair. The clearly defined fur-covered pecs and abdominals certainly didn’t hurt to look at either. He was the type of guy people fawned over online for their great physiques and pretty faces - indeed I followed many guys like him but I most certainly couldn’t count myself among them. I was about as ordinary and plain as a guy could be. Depressingly so, even. It didn’t matter how hard I trained at the gym, I seemed destined to remain forever average.

I knew that it would be best for me to return to the gym and hand in the cell phone so the guy could recover it when he was next there but I felt strangely fixated on the image decorating the lock screen. My pants were beginning to tent as I took in every little detail of his body in the picture: the sloping of his traps, the veins on the back of his hands, the trail of hair that ran down the middle of his abs. I no longer saw him as just a handsome guy, he was absolutely gorgeous - a strange thought for a supposedly straight man like myself. Before my brain could even properly engage, a hand had snaked down underneath the waist of my pants and wrapped around the hardening length that it met there.

Suddenly consumed by an overwhelming amount of lust for the man who taunted me in that stunning selfie, I began to stroke my shaft and before long was beating my meat with a desperate ferocity I hadn’t felt since my days as a horny sexless teenager. There was just something about this guy - Aron, my brain supplied all of a sudden - that was totally captivating. I wanted him. No, it was more than that. I wanted to be him. I craved it like a man starved for weeks on end. The lust controlled me like a puppet and in just a matter of minutes I was shooting my load all over my bare chest, coating my furry pecs with my seed.

As my chest rose and fell with each heavy breath, I stared down at my body in bewilderment. Subconsciously I knew that my torso shouldn’t look the way it did with those firm pectorals and the cobblestone abs underneath them, all sporting a forest full of dark hair, but I could also recall all the bench presses and crunches that had been staples of my gym routine to get me such an enviable chest. I popped each pec for a quick moment and chuckled again to myself, proud at my own muscle control. I’d come so far from my early days when I barely knew the difference between a kettlebell and dumbbell!

Swiping off some of the sticky substance from my chest and bringing it between my lips to savour my own salty taste, I stared back at the phone screen and didn’t think twice as it unlocked immediately. Face recognized, a small notification at the top of the screen announced, prompting an eye roll. “Gotta turn those notifications off,” I grumbled, although my attention was quickly caught by the numerous notifications on the Grindr app. I knew some of the guys I’d been chatting to would enjoy the selfies I had taken back at the gym after my badass workout and they’d probably love to see me coated in my own cum too!

Although I knew I’d have to return to the gym at some point soon - I seemed to have taken somebody else’s gym bag and let myself into their apartment - I decided to chill a little longer as I flirted with a number of guys on the app. I was already starting to get hard again and why get myself off when I could get another gym rat’s lips around my gorgeous cock? Hope this guy doesn’t mind me getting it on in his apartment, whoever he is! I’ll be sure to leave him a little present on his pillow too...



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