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This is an alternate ending to the story Amendola's Bet, posted earlier this week, which itself is based off of this photo caption and was selected in a patron poll.

“One more chance!”

Harrison was amazed by just how far the NFL superstar sat across from him had fallen. Nobody would recognize Danny Amendola anymore: he was a complete nobody with an unimpressive body and a weak spirit. Taking everything that made the other man special had been nothing short of a delight for Harrison and he couldn’t wait to seal the deal by taking Danny’s name and life to tie his night up with a nice neat bow. “One last chance,” he agreed finally. “You win, you get it all back. I win, I get your identity. I become Danny Amendola. Do you think you can agree to that?” They both knew Danny had no choice but to agree. “Let’s shake on it,” he encouraged, reaching out his hand, “Like men.”

The luck that had brought Harrison so much success throughout their game though had finally run out. His hand produced nothing usable and the flash of excitement on the other’s face promised oncoming danger. Hoping that the other was merely bluffing, Harrison played his hand - and his heart sank like a stone as Danny produced a royal flush for the win. “I’m taking everything back,” the other growled triumphantly as the changes that had occurred between them throughout their game began to revert. The extra weight Danny had gained dropped right off of him to restore his rippling muscles and his facial features reverted to the classically handsome visage that had scored him a number of modelling gigs alongside his football career.

Their exchanged histories returned to their original homes, as did the long-standing friendship Danny had with Julian Edelman, the first casualty of his fateful game with the loser he was stunned to find he shared a mutual friend with. When Luis heard what Harrison had tried to do to Danny though he was sure that their friendship wouldn’t last much longer. Trying to steal the body and life of an NFL player? That shit was inexcusable.

This time it was Harrison’s turn to begin blubbering, his fat cheeks becoming wet with tears as he saw all of his hard work undone purely as a result of his own greed. He was left at a total loss as the perfect future he had almost procured for himself vanished in an instant, leaving him as hopeless as he had been upon staggering through Luis’ door earlier than night and getting starstruck at the sudden arrival of Danny Amendola, a football hunk he hadn’t even known was a friend of Luis’. He was back to being a loser who lived in his parents’ basement and couldn’t keep down a job for longer than six months.

“Another round?” he suggested weakly, praying that the tide would turn once again, but his suggestion was only met by a loud laugh from the other man.

“I’m not an idiot, dude,” Danny replied, “Like hell I’m giving you that kind of chance again.” Harrison deflated further, accepting his final defeat. Much to his surprise though, the other continued. “I’ll tell you what, though. I’ve seen how miserable your life is. It hasn’t been easy on you, I know that now. How about I do you a favour to help you get back on your feet?”

Harrison wiped at his wet eyes and stared at the other man, confusion written all over his face. “Why would you try and help me?” he whimpered, “After I… I…” The words trailed off as the shame continued to burn inside of him.

“Because that very well could have been me,” Danny replied in a neutral voice, shrugging his broad shoulders. “And I think it’s been a long time since anyone has done anything genuinely nice for you. It’s no wonder you lashed out at me like that.” Harrison could hardly believe what he was hearing. He was being read by the other like a book. Perhaps he should be less surprised considering for a brief few minutes their entire histories had been exchanged. “Why don’t I put in a good word down at the high school for you? They’re looking for an assistant coach right now, aren’t they? Not trying to brag but if you come with a recommendation from an NFL player like me they’d be fools to turn you down. A few months on that salary and you should be able to find your own place, get out of that basement. Really start your own life for a change.”

Harrison was crying again, only this time it wasn’t out of the sadness of having his chance to escape ripped away from him. Danny was offering him something so much more and it reverberated right through the college dropout, right to his heart. “Thank you,” he sobbed, accepting the hand that was offered to him and giving it a firm shake. Moments later and the football player had left his suit and pulled Harrison up into a tight embrace. He felt Danny’s firm muscular body against his own much softer frame but no longer burned with jealousy. Rather he couldn’t help but be thankful at everything the other was offering him.

It was hard to believe but even though he’d finished the game as his plain old self, a simple game of poker with a man he’d admired for so long had turned his whole life around for the better and he couldn’t wait to see what challenges his new path in life would bring!



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