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Peter and Max watched in delight as their former bodies were escorted off of the beach in handcuffs for ‘disturbing the peace’. It was a fitting fate for the two young men who had been hollering crude remarks at the assorted young women around them just some twenty minutes ago. That behaviour was why they had been prime targets for Peter and Max to swap with: such attitudes simply weren’t acceptable and the young men needed to be taught a valuable lesson, one that they wouldn’t forget.

At first the other beachgoers had found the sight of two middle-aged men with large beer guts claiming that they were supposed to be two well-muscled men in their early twenties but before long they had begun to turn aggressive. Their constant loud swearing - “What the fuck is going on? This isn’t my fucking body!” - prompted a pair of good-natured fathers to leave their families and confront them, expressing their displeasure that their children were being exposed to such foul language. That had led to things getting physical and the growing crowd of spectators cheered as the two older and larger men - or at least the young studs that had been switched into those bodies - ended up on their asses in the sand, red faced and humiliated. 

The two men responsible for the exchange watched the encounter from a safe distance away, wine glasses in hand as they celebrated their victory. They had been holding onto the body swap spells for months until they found the perfect bodies to escape into and finally the moment had come. They’d held each other’s hand as they chanted the spell in unison until finally their very souls were pulled out of their bodies and rocketed right into the muscular shapes they would be inhabiting for the rest of their lives, forcing those bodies’ rightful occupants out of their own skin and hurtling back towards the unimpressive overweight bodies Peter and Max had arrived at the beach in. Neither man doubted it would take them time to get used to their new lives - they didn’t even know their new names! - but they were certain that these were the perfect bodies to continue their relationship in. Both men had missed the better part of their youth hiding in the closet for fear of what people might think of them and hadn’t come out until they were already in their forties. They felt robbed of the best years of their lives and now they could finally get to have them!

As had been expected, the two former studs only continued to grow more aggressive and they rushed the man who had confronted them, using their superior mass to power them down onto the sand where they began wailing down on them with their fists. More men - young, old, fit, thin - surged forward to pull the middle-aged tragedy cases up and restrain them from any further violent acts. Thankfully the police were on the scene in minutes and the number of eye-witnesses helped point the finger at the two aggressors, resulting in them having their arms place behind their backs and handcuffs being placed around their thick wrists.

As their former bodies were escorted off to spend some time behind bars and then likely in endless psychiatric meetings for claiming their bodies had been stolen, Peter and Max celebrated by finishing their drinks and exchanging a quick peck on the lips. They finally had their much needed new start and they weren’t going to waste a moment of it either! The first thing they were going to do was enjoy an afternoon out under the hot sun and then maybe they’d find their way to the address on their driver’s licenses to really explore what their new bodies had to offer...



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