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Will wasn’t too terribly disappointed with his gym progress over the past two years - he had come a long way from his days as the skinniest kid in class - but things simply weren’t moving fast enough for him. He desperately wanted to get bigger but his fitness journey took a few knocks as a voice in his mind told him that he’d never be anything more than he currently was. Fighting back against that voice was even tougher than stopping himself from biting back whenever his boss harped on about the pile of incomplete work left on his desk at the end of each day.

Truthfully, it likely didn’t help that his gym was regularly populated by guys who absolutely dwarfed Will in size, possessed model-like good looks and all seemed to get along like some sort of ‘pretty boy clique’ while he was an outsider among them. He lacked the confidence to introduce himself and watched enviously as they lifted more than he possibly could and then joked around between sets, even sometimes loudly gloating about the girls they were going on dates with or the exclusive parties they were being invited to. 

These things come in time, Will tried to remind himself as he made his way into the elevator that would take him down to the gym for his post-workday arms session. Going in with a negative attitude would only guarantee that his workout would be just as disappointing; he’d learned that lesson the hard way. He stared at his reflection in the elevator's mirror and did his best to come to peace with what he saw: dark hair, wild stubble and a build that suggested he spent some time in a gym but wasn't exactly serious about it. That couldn't be further from the truth - he was serious about his fitness - but his body simply wouldn't reflect that.

As had become tradition over his two years of working out, he decided to snap a ‘before’ selfie to match up with the one he would take after in order to check on his pump. If anything it gave him something to upload to his Instagram with a silly caption at the very least. It wasn’t a bad picture by any means but Will dreamed of showing off even bigger arms and a more built chest that pushed his shirt to its limits. Then he’d be a social media thirst trap for sure!

The elevator had only just begun its descent when the lights began to flicker and the metal box stammered to a stop, plummeting the young man into momentary darkness. Small spaces had never really bothered him all that much before but his body began to heat up and beads of sweat trickled across his brow. His clothes felt tighter around his torso and the grip on his phone tightened as he willed himself not to panic. 

It’ll be back on in a moment, he told himself, It’s just a little electrical glitch

What Will couldn’t see in that time was the bulging of his biceps as they grew by several inches and the pumping of his pecs as they ballooned out further, giving his torso more obvious definition. The layer of puppy fat around his mid-section was sucked away, exposing six firm abdominal muscles and clear lines leading down towards his crotch. His maroon shirt changed to a plain black that fit better around his arms and chest while still showing off his size. 

His legs similarly packed on several more pounds of muscle, bulking while also leaning out to show off the strong muscles of his quads. The curves of his ass became more pronounced too, like he’d completed one-hundred squats in just a few mere moments, and his grey joggers shifted into a more form-fitting black pair to match his shirt that really made his bubble butt stand out.  It would be earning him quite a few thirsty looks in the gym and posing in his underwear would never be an issue again. 

The elevator lights flickered for a moment, allowing Will to catch a glimpse of another man in the box with him - tall, blond and gorgeous. The light remained for only a fleeting second before Will was plunged back into darkness and as he reached out to where the other man had appeared he only found the cold reflective surface of the mirror.

What the hell was that? 

Even as Will considered what he had seen, the facial hair along his jawline pulled back into a close shave and the hair on his head began to lighten from brown to blond while retaining its messy appearance. As the sweat trickled down his face, his features too began to shift: the nose and chin each becoming less pronounced and his green eyes lightening to a bright shade of blue. Underneath his shirt the chest hair he had never bothered to contained retreated below the surface, leaving his pecs smooth and bare, while the hair on his arms and legs lightened to match his new blond hair. 

Finally the lights returned for good and the elevator rumbled back to life, continuing its descent towards the gym. Will stared at the image of the well-muscled blond man and recognised it as his own reflection. Hitting a flex and snapping his ‘before’ selfie, he felt more ready than ever to make a statement and really establish himself as ‘one of the guys’, just as he had always wanted. With his new pretty boy look and larger size there was no doubt that he would be fitting right in and lifting more than ever!



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