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Based on results from a poll patrons voted from back in April. Let's just ignore how long it took me to write it.

The day that their son decided he was gay was a traumatic experience for Dave and Mary Quail. Kyle had insisted that it hadn’t been a choice and that he was still the same young man they had raised for the past eighteen years but his parents simply couldn’t see it that way. They hadn’t raised their son to be queer and both felt like they had been betrayed by somebody they no longer recognised. Mary was heartbroken that she might no longer have the chance to be a grandmother and Dave was terrified that Kyle might turn into one of those pink-loving tutu-wearing fairies. As such, it was clear to both of them they had to take things seriously in order to restore their son to the fine young man he had been before.

Dave was alarmed when he was approached in the local town bar by a stranger who claimed they could help him out with his “family problem”. He was a well-dressed man in his expensive three-piece suit and out of character for the quiet conservative rural town. The thought of anyone knowing that Dave was the father of a homo sent a shiver down his spine but before he could vocalize anything about it the stranger laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. Something about the touch reassured Dave, although moments ago that wouldn’t have been true in the slightest. He’d never been good talking to strangers, especially about such uncomfortable topics of conversation.

The stranger promised to ‘restore’ Kyle and remove any silly notions of being a homosexual from his mind - but he warned Dave that it would came at a price. “The world works in balance,” he explained in his silky smooth tones. “I can take all those nasty homo urges out of your son with no issue but things might bite you in the ass later on. Metaphorically speaking… or at least I think so. I’ve seen some nasty tricks in my time.” Dave had tuned out though as the thought of finally having his son - his real son returned to him and Mary. No matter what the cost was, he’d do anything to have a son he could be proud of again - and as he expressed as much, the stranger’s lips spread into a devilish smile.

“Shall we shake on that?” he offered, extending his hand. Without a moment’s hesitation, Dave clasped the other’s hand and gave it a firm shake. At that moment a shiver rippled throughout the forty-something father of one but he quickly brushed it off and turned to finish off his beer. By the time the bottle had returned to the bar though, the stranger had vanished as if he’d never even been there. Mysterious and potentially concerning, yes, but Dave couldn’t shake the smile from his face as he thought about having the real Kyle returned to their family instead of this trend-chasing imposter who had been tearing their family apart for weeks.

Mary was delighted when she was greeted by a smiling son the next morning who seemed to have no memory of ‘coming out’ to his parents and was even talking about going on a date with a girl from school. Kyle couldn’t quite understand why his mother was crying in response to that news, even if she insisted they were tears of joy. She flung her arms around him for a tight embrace and the young man - now supposedly ‘restored’ to his straight nature - chuckled before shrugging out of her grip. “Mom, I’m gonna be late,” he huffed, although chuckling.

Unbeknown to Mary though, the Quail family weren’t quite out of the woods just yet. The balancing act that the stranger had mentioned to Dave the previous day had come into play much sooner than he had expected. The older man woke up with his usual morning wood but as he started to stroke his hard length his thoughts wandered to the sweaty bodies of muscular men rather than the petite frame of his wife. Dave was horrified but just as much aroused and couldn’t help but continue indulging in the newfound homosexual fantasies, imagining one of them pinning him down and having their way with his ass. 

By the time Mary reached the bedroom and found her husband cleaning the semen off of his fingers, Dave had already come to a conclusion that felt surprisingly welcome to his changed mind. Despite being happily married for almost twenty years he now viewed it as a prison; one he was ready to escape from. He needed to let his inner gay shine and accept that the bigoted views he had held his whole life had been wrong. As such, Dave smiled apologetically as the following words left his mouth: “Honey, I think we need to have a talk about us… and why this isn’t going to work for me anymore.” 


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