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Things were really beginning to turn in Graham’s favor. He was a young chief executive of a powerful business with quite the fortune to his name already and a near endless parade of women competing for the opportunity to hang off of his arm for a night. There was no doubting that he was a handsome man but he wasn’t quite content with the image he saw in the mirror and hired a personal trainer to help him make some improvements to his body. He’d always had a lean frame and struggled to pack muscle on but he was hoping that with some professional help he’d be able to make his body into yet another success he could gloat about at business functions.

Aside from both being physically attractive - in different manners, of course - there were hardly any similarities between Graham and Porter, the man he had hired to train him at one of the gyms that catered for the rich and famous of the city. Porter stood at an even six feet tall, with eighteen inch biceps and quads that were most certainly muscular enough to crush objects between them. Dark bristles of hair lined his square jawline and around his mouth and he confessed to not even own a single suit. The contrasts between them were stark in Graham’s eyes - they were worlds apart and he was sure as hell glad that his side of the fence had the much greener grass.

It didn’t take Graham long to identify that his personal trainer envied him, or at least the life he lived. Aside from his muscular body and the interest of various women based upon that, Porter didn’t seem to have much else going for him. Discussions in between sets revealed that he had dropped out of high school at sixteen after continually flunking classes. “Education’s just never been my thing,” Porter had rumbled in explanation, “I’m all about the gains.” The bicep flex that he offered in addition helped clarify that while he had never achieved any academic success, Porter had certainly achieved some physical success in its stead.

As the training continued into further months and the men began to grow more comfortable around each other, Graham even began to joke about the other man’s lack of smarts, teasing him about it whenever he got the chance. Porter always laughed along, seemingly unhurt by the remarks and even encouraging them at times. He never really fired back with any remarks of his own either - Graham supposed that he didn’t have the brainpower to keep up in a battle of wits. With their relationship on such good terms Graham was lulled into a sense of security - one that was ultimately misplaced - and let his guard down during the moments when he was most vulnerable.

It was after a long hard full-body training session that Porter made his move. The personal trainer offered his hand, clearly expecting a shake which was unusual in itself given he was normally one of those “fistbump bros”. Not thinking at all, Graham accepted the other’s hand and immediately both men went rigid. Panic seized the young CEO’s brain but there was little he could do in his supernaturally frozen state. The world around them had ceased moving too; indeed the only movement he could locate with his eyes was Porter’s broad frame beginning to slowly lose its mass and take on a leaner frame.

Wait, what? Graham could hardly believe his eyes. Porter was changing before his very eyes, the muscles he was famous in the gym for fading away and leaving him with a build more befitting of a runner rather than a bodybuilder. Before he could consider what the cause of Porter’s change had been, Graham began to feel strange stirrings in his own body and soon his gym top and shorts became increasingly tighter as his body began to swell with newfound muscle mass. The material, stretchy as it was, ended up pushed to its very limits as his body ballooned in every direction, even his height increasing several inches. Within moments he had gained the mass he had always dreamed of having - and much more. Even with his new strength though there was no pulling his hand free of the other, Porter’s grip feeling tighter than ever.

Watching the other man’s face change and take on familiar features was an unsettling experience and his stomach lurched as Porter’s changes ended and he fully resembled the young businessman. Even his messy brown hair began to lighten and shift, becoming a much more fitting cut for a man of his standing. The heat on Graham’s face suggested that the same was happening in reverse to him - he was taking on the square jaw, wide nostrils and dark eyes that had belonged to Porter while the other had gained his bright blue eyes, thin nose and carefully styled blond hair.

With their changes finally finished, time once again resumed around the two men. Their bodies had been exchanged but their clothes remained, equally ill-fitting on the bodies they now possessed, and their minds were still intact too. Porter reacted first, wrenching his hand out of Graham’s grasp and glancing at the watch now hanging loose around his slender wrists. Graham had to admit that he’d never seen Porter wearing it before, as he surely would have noticed the bright green LED light that was now flashing at him. In fact, he couldn’t even look away…

“Thanks for this, buddy,” he heard his own voice say - from Porter’s control - and the next thing Graham knew his vision was totally blurred by a final bright flash from the watch. He stumbled back for a moment and shook his head, trying to sort out his head which was now a completely frazzled mess. As he opened his eyes and looked at his client, he couldn’t help but think there was something very wrong. That’s… my body? My client? No, that’s Graham, my… my body! He stole my body!

A mischievous grin spread across the new businessman’s face as panic began to set in for the new personal trainer. He wanted desperately to lunge forward and tackle the other, to find out how he had switched their bodies and force him to reverse it, but he remained stood there with his jaw slightly slack and muscles tensing one by one. “It’s no problem, dude,” he finally grunted in response, “Same time on Monday?” No, that’s… why can’t I control myself? I’m talking just like him!

“Sounds good to me,” the new Graham agreed. “I’m planning on a weekend away with some fine ladies so I’ll still be getting in some exercise, if you know what I mean.” The new Porter snickered. Stupid rich boy thinks he’s the only one who can score tail this weekend? What an asshole! Only a moment later did he catch himself, alarmed at how natural it felt to be jealous of his own body and life now that another man was occupying it. What the fuck is going on with my mind? This is terrible…

Despite his inner turmoil, Graham offered up a fist and waited for Porter to bump his own against it. “Have a good one, broski.” Once the businessman had bumped their fists together and began to walk away, Graham’s thoughts turned to the clients he’d be training next. One of them was a total homo who’d probably spend the whole hour leering at his muscles, but once he got through that then he’d be spending some time with the beautiful buxom blonde who had just signed up for sessions with him. He’d have to show her around the gym, particularly the private showers for the personal trainers. There were definitely some exercises he could show her in there where nobody else could interrupt!


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