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With summer quickly approaching all of the local studs were hurrying to get their shirts off and tan on. It was my favourite time of year for that exact reason - free eye candy on every street - but I was unable to join them. Nobody wanted to see a sixty-year-old man with a beer gut and sagging wrinkly skin with his shirt off and truthfully I knew that I didn’t exactly have much to show off, not compared to the masculine specimens that so quickly caught my eye. 

In many ways I envied them. I had wasted my youth pretending to be straight and had never truly been able to enjoy myself for fear of the lie I was living being exposed. These days young men could feel free to be themselves and enjoy the company of other men, something that I felt had been stolen from me by society’s aggressive expectations of masculinity during my younger years. While the world was by no means perfect now it was certainly more accepting than it had been in my days and I craved to experience the life of a young gay man in today’s society. Thankfully that wasn’t as impossible as it should have been - when you’ve lived as long as I have then you get to know a lot of people and some of those people have particularly helpful talents. Talents such as taking a man’s spirit and depositing it within another man’s body.

I already knew who would be my salvation - they certainly weren’t a victim, as my intentions weren’t exactly malicious - and that was my gorgeous neighbor Roberto. At six-foot-three, two-hundred pounds of lean muscle and with the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen on another man, he was the perfect candidate. I had long admired him, both for his impressive body and his charming personality, and knew that spending my summer period as him would be as good as it could possibly get. There was no doubt in my mind that I would be able to get any man that I wanted and as he was a confirmed bachelor with a lot of prospects I wouldn’t be doing any harm by playing the field to my heart’s content.

The perfect moment to slip into his body presented itself to me at the start of June. We were experiencing some glorious sunshine and Roberto had understandably taken that as a good opportunity to get down to our apartment complex’s pool and settle down on one of the beds to soak up the sun. I waited a while for him to fall asleep and made my move, locking the gate to the pool area behind me to ensure that I wouldn’t be interrupted. Once I was certain that Roberto was deep within his slumber, I took the small vial from my pocket and downed it in one go. Then, taking great care to stay quiet, I positioned myself over the sleeping stud and pressed my back against his powerful chest. Much to my delight I sunk right in, my unimpressive form disappearing into his strong muscles. He didn’t so much as stir as my stick-thin legs were totally absorbed by his tree trunks and my narrow shoulders were brought into his broader frame.

As I let my head relax and fall through his handsome features, I was hit by a rush of memories and emotions. All of Roberto’s life was laid out to me in a jumbled mess, one that I would eventually sort out if I was properly going to pass as him for the next few months. Roberto himself was quietly placed in a room at the back of his own mind where he would rest while I took the driver’s seat. When he eventually got his body back he’d remember everything I had done but believe them to be his memories without any recollection of my time in his skin.

Opening my eyes and gazing through his tinted shades up at the clear sky above me, I couldn’t help but let out a gentle laugh. I felt so big in a way I never had previously - and strong too! Roberto’s life was going to provide me every opportunity to enjoy everything I had missed out on and it was all mine for the next three months. There was so much I wanted to do - lift weights at the gym, swim in the ocean, pick up guys from nightclubs - but first of all I was quite content to continue soaking up the glorious sun while Roberto’s memories sorted themselves into order for me. By the time the sun set I would be fully prepared to live my new life and then tonight the fun would really begin!



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