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Saul’s blood boiled whenever he saw Tony Stark’s stupid face plastered over billboards or on the cover of newspapers which was always far too often. It seemed he couldn’t turn a corner without seeing the smug face of the billionaire who had been responsible for the deaths of millions. It didn’t matter how much Stark said he had changed for the better since becoming Iron Man, Saul was certain of the fact that he was the same selfish rich kid he had always been. It seemed he had so easily washed his hands of the blood brought about by weapons produced by Stark Industries - weapons that had cost the lives of Saul’s closest friends. Ever since returning from the middle east Saul only had one goal in mind: getting revenge on Tony Stark.

It wasn’t difficult to find people willing to help him and soon Saul had a solid plan in place, all he had to do was spring the trap. It was easy enough, all he had to do was wait for the billionaire to attend a charity function and, disguising himself as a waiter, Saul was able to deliver a drugged champagne right into the other man’s hands. A few minutes later and Stark was excusing himself to flee into the restrooms, probably to contact help from the Avengers, and that was Saul’s opportunity to slip in, take Stark’s cell phone from his pocket and suit activators from around his wrists and then eventually out into the car that was waiting out back.

Once he had the supposed superhero tied up in a secure location without any of his gadgets available, Saul waited for the sedative to wear off. It was surprisingly infuriating seeing the other look so peaceful in his sleep when he had so much to be haunted by. It only furthered Saul’s belief that the other was deserving of the punishment he was about to deliver. Thankfully the other began to stir before he could get too irate and Saul prepared himself to enjoy what was to come. Being the cause of Iron Man’s downfall would be quite the achievement but being the cause of Tony Stark’s downfall would be even better!

As Stark’s eyelids fluttered open, Saul wrapped the enchanted bracelet around his wrist and chanted the spell that the warlock had given him. Saul knew he was actively helping supervillains by removing Iron Man from the table but his own thirst for revenge clouded any concern he might have had for the wellbeing of others. Once the final word of the spell had left his lips the small crimson stone set in the middle of the bracelet began to glow and as expected Stark’s gaze was immediately drawn towards it. “What’s that?” he slurred, totally fixated on the bright glow of the red gem.

“Pretty, isn’t it? Supposedly it’s got a small piece of the Reality Stone’s power,” Saul explained, keeping his own gaze fixed on the man he had taken prisoner. “Not much, mind, but enough to do what I want with you before it runs out.” That comment seemed to jolt Stark further awake and he began to strain against the bonds, panic slowly beginning to seep into his stone expression. “Don’t worry, Stark. You’ll be suffering a less painful fate than all of my friends that your weapons killed.”

A look of understanding flashed in the Avenger’s eyes. “I’m not that man anymore,” he protested, just as Saul had expected him to. It was nothing but meaningless words. “I’ve changed - I’m an Avenger now. I do a hell of a lot of saving!” His justification made Saul feel sick. Could he really not see that his crimes were not something he could just wash his hands of? He dismissed them so casually, it was infuriating! “Come on, buddy. You don’t want to do this. Just let me go and maybe if you’re lucky I won’t set my buddies on you. You know, the God of Thunder and the Star-Spangled Man With A Plan? They don’t really appreciate people drugging and kidnapping me.”

Every word out of the other man’s mouth twisted Saul’s stomach even more. He was more certain than ever that he was doing the right thing because the world would most definitely be a better place without Tony Stark around in his current form. “That’s enough talking from you,” he declared. Stark opened his mouth as if to respond but the words never came. Instead he remained with his mouth open and eyes still locked on the glowing red stone wrapped around Saul’s wrist. “I want you to stay focused on this - and everything I see. It’s your most important mission yet.” Stark’s head moved forward slightly, nodding an agreement. 

“Now, let’s not waste any more of this juice… how about we get started by changing that tacky facial hair?” Before Saul’s eyes the gaps in Stark’s goatee began to fill in, giving him close-trimmed stubble all along his jawline. Seeing just how quickly and easily the change had come to fruition Saul couldn’t help but chuckle. This was going to be so easy. Stark hadn’t even tried to resist, he was too far caught up in the stone to even notice as his changes began.

“You’re a little old for what I’m thinking,” Saul mused. “How about we take a couple decades off?” The telltale lines of age around Stark’s face began to fade away as his skin tightened up, adopting a fresher look as the man regressed into his early twenties. In his newly rejuvenated state was easy to see why he had always been so popular with the ladies - he was handsome

“Being young again is good and all but you’re still looking a little lanky. You’d get more girls if you had a bit more muscle on those bones, right?” Within moments Stark’s lean body began to fill out - his shoulders broadening and chest expanding until his dress shirt was pushed to the seams, highlighting the edges of his strong muscles. His pants became a similar victim only this time the seam along his thighs burst with the sudden expansion of muscle in his quadriceps. 

Up until that point Saul was willing to agree that he had made Stark a more attractive man but he ultimately wasn’t in the game of bettering the other. His real revenge began with his next instruction: “It’s a shame you’ve always been so brainless… maybe you could have made something of yourself if you ever cared about your smarts. In fact, you dropped out of school, didn’t you? You said that daddy’s money could get you so much more than an education.” Stark’s expression shifted after that - it was subtle but there was a little less light behind his eyes and a more relaxed smile on his face as a result. 

“Hmmmm, something isn’t quite right. You still look a little too much like you… let’s make that jawline a little more square, the nose a little wider and lips a little thinner. Oh, let’s make the hair longer and lighter too. You’re never one to go without a tub of gel styling it into place.” Saul watched as Stark’s facial features and hair adjusted just as he’d suggested and admired the new visual. “Much better, if you ask me. Looking good is your only priority, right? Go on, you can answer me.” Stark offered a deep moan in response. Saul was willing to accept it as a sign of agreement.

“You might be good looking but your arrogance turns people off almost instantly. Sure, you can score a fuck with ease but genuine human connection? That’s a concept way beyond you, buddy.” There would be no more working in a team for Stark - he was as selfish as they came and his ugly attitude pushed everyone away, including the countless women that he bedded. “Oh and it’s not just the girls you attract. There are plenty of twinks who want to worship those hard muscles of yours and you’re all too happy to let them, although you’re a notoriously selfish lover, aren’t you? Never even gone down on another guy, let alone had one top you… shameful.”

Admiring his creation - a well-muscled brainless piece of beefcake - Saul knew there was only one instruction left. “By the way, your name? It’s Toby Stock, not Tony Stark. In fact that name doesn’t even exist in your mind anymore. You don’t know who Iron Man is, nor any other superhero - although you’d love to fuck Black Widow and have Captain America suck your cock. Don’t get your hopes up though, I don’t think they’re interested in the brainless beauty types.” With that the man that was once Tony Stark was defeated, his identity vanishing into the void as he was replaced by Toby Stock, an obnoxious and misogynistic but ultimately harmless rich kid.

The light of the stone died out finally as the power drained from it but Saul was content with his results. He continued to eye the man who now sat before him, his muscular body tied down to the chair as the other returned to consciousness after being enthralled by the stone’s glow. Looks like a job well done. It wouldn’t bring back the people who had lost their lives thanks to Stark Industries’ weapons but it was ensure that Stark couldn’t hurt people again and ultimately that had been all Saul wanted. He wasn’t a villain after all, just a guy with a score to settle.

Toby Stock glanced around the room, eyes wide in fear and heart beating rapidly as he failed to recognize his surroundings. It was a gorgeous sight and provided Saul with another brilliant idea. He’d specified that Toby had never been dominated by another man before but when he was tied down it was the perfect opportunity to decorate the other’s gorgeous face with his cum and make sure the other got a taste for it. He’d already humiliated a rich guy once today and he was looking forward to doing it again, no magic stone needed!



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