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Sandra was a special kind of annoying, not because she was consistently talking about herself or any particular bad habits, but because she had insisted in flirting with Blake even after he informed her that he was gay. There would be stray hands in the office brushing against his ass or small flirtatious comments about how much she liked his clothes or his beard and over the months they built up to make Blake feel very uncomfortable around her. 

As such, when he’d announced that he was now engaged to his boyfriend of three years, Damian, he was relieved when he received an apology from the woman and accepted her offer to be friends. At the very least it removed one of the factors that made him come to the office every day for work and Sandra did have her redeeming qualities. She had good taste in movies and made amazing cookies to boot, plus she was damn good at her job and had always been helpful in sorting things out when technology decided it hated Blake for whatever reason which was far more often than he liked to admit.

For the next few months Blake’s friendship with Sandra flourished and soon her incessant crush became a memory they merely laughed at. Damian wasn’t exactly thrilled with the fact that Blake seemed to be getting along so well with Sandra but Blake assured his fiancé that she had moved on and wasn’t about to interfere in their relationship. What exactly could she do when they were both as gay as rainbows anyway? As far as he saw it, the situation had worked out for the best - he wasn’t being sexually harassed in the workplace anymore and he’d made a friend out of it!

A casual conversation about fitness with Sandra as she attempted to connect his work computer back to their internet led to her suggesting the Straight 2 The Grind podcast for him to listen to. “Yeah, my brother’s big into it. He gets all these cool diet and workout tips from them,” she explained. “Give it a try, see if you like it!” Upon her recommendation, Blake searched up the podcast and upon seeing its average of five stars, decided to download the most recent episode. At an hour long it would make the perfect soundtrack for his walk home from the office later that day.

Sure enough the walk home seemed to fly by as he listened to two fitness gurus discuss a range of topics relating to gym etiquette and healthy eating. Before Blake knew it he was already at home and being welcomed in and presented a beautifully prepared dinner by Damian. He absent-mindedly downloaded a few more episodes for his walk to work the next day and then settled in to enjoy a nice relaxing evening with his gorgeous fiancé.

In the weeks that followed Blake became an avid listener of the podcast with it soundtracking both his walks to and from work as well as the time he was set behind the desk in his office. Sometimes he even fell asleep listening to it, absorbing all the information that the podcast offered him. His performance in the gym had improved during that time too and he found himself feeling more motivated than ever. Sandra had taken to complimenting his body again and how well his shirts fit around his muscular frame but Blake wasn’t troubled by the comments anymore. If anything, he appreciated them more so because Damian had been making disparaging comments about how much time he was spending at the gym or listening to the podcast.

The only thing that had suffered since Blake had started listening to the podcast was his sex drive when it came to his future husband. Maybe it was because Damian kept complaining about things but Blake just never felt the urge to have sex when he got home - at least not with Damian, or any man for that matter. In his most recent gym sessions he had found himself watching the women working out a lot more, inspecting their round posteriors with surprising fascination. Was it possible that he was actually checking out women, something he hadn’t done since he’d been in the closet and was trying to convince people he was straight?

After two months of listening to the podcast, Blake’s relationship with Damian had hit some serious issues. They argued most nights and hadn’t slept in the same bed for almost a week, let alone gotten intimate with each other. The atmosphere in their home was so tense that Blake had chosen to spend more time in the gym and even when he wasn’t, he was keeping company with Sandra who had been supporting him throughout his relationship troubles. The two had grown closer than ever and as such it was hardly surprising that when one night after a few drinks Sandra leaned into a kiss, Blake met her halfway. 

With his engagement crumbling before his head, Blake found solace in his newfound affair with Sandra and his dedication to the Straight 2 The Grind podcast. He had even been noticed by the creators after sending them an email explaining how their show had helped him improve his quality of life and the two guys had expressed an interest in meeting for a gym session and then a triple date with their respective women, Blake bringing along Sandra and introducing her as his girlfriend. His hand fit around her waist so naturally and she made him so much happier than Damian did. As such, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d ever felt an attraction to men when women were so beautiful and enticing? 

Slipping the engagement ring off of his finger as he left the house and began his walk to work, Blake vowed that today was the day that he would finally end things with Damian and make it official with Sandra. It felt like an inevitability and a much needed change in his lifestyle, truly closing down his life as a gay man and embracing his new identity as a gym-loving babe-banging straight stud!


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