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Simon had something of a fetish for stealing clothes from other men, particularly the big buff men that populated his local gym. He got such a rush from swiping their gear from their lockers and the act of sipping those clothes on once he was in the privacy of his own home was euphoric. He’d only done it twice and spaced out those occasions over several weeks so nobody started to suspect a pattern but he was eager to do it again and he knew precisely who he was going to pinch gear from too.

Mike Oberon was the most muscular guy in the gym by a long shot, dwarfing all of the others with his six-foot-seven frame and twenty inch biceps. He was a god walking among men and acted like it too, bossing everybody around from the gym newbies to the staff. Of course, with a successful bodybuilding career on his resume, the gym owner was all too happy to have Mike lording around as if he was the true owner, satisfied with the free promotion he got via Mike’s social media accounts and the inflow of people who all wanted the chance to work out with a local legend. As such, Mike was confident that he could get away with having a bad attitude and nobody dared call him out for it.

Aside from risking Mike’s immense anger should he get caught in the act of thieving from his locker, Simon didn’t expect it to be any different from the past two times he had swiped from the locker room. All he had to do was wait for Mike to lumber off into the showers after working up a sweat with an intense full-body workout and then raid the locker that had been left open, Mike ignorantly believing that nobody would dare mess with his stuff. He should have known better but then again, it wasn’t as if Mike was even aware of Simon’s existence. He hardly bothered himself with the overweight fifty-somethings who used their gym memberships sparingly and got little from it.

Once he had double-checked to make sure nobody was watching him, Simon grabbed the pair of blue shorts that he had seen tightly wrapped around Mike’s glorious ass and gorgeous bulge during his workout. He had no doubt that they would be stretched out in a very different way when pulled up around his bloated waist but knowing that he was sharing the same item of clothing as a hunk always turned him on and there was perhaps nobody who aroused him quite as much as Mike. Stuffing the shorts into his bag, Simon made a quick exit from the gym, once again glad for his relative anonymity. He certainly wasn’t sticking around to see Mike explode as he realized that his gear had been pinched.

Once he was safely home and in his bedroom, Simon stripped out of his own sweaty workout gear and turned his attention to the shorts. Bringing them up to his nose, he took a deep sniff and enjoyed the musky scent that overwhelmed him. Mike smelt like a man, plain and simple, and that scent alone was enough to get Simon rock hard. They were immediately his new favourite possession and there was no way Mike would ever getting them back, not when Simon could enjoy them time and time again. He couldn’t wait to soil them with a load of his cum as he could only imagine Mike had done so many times previously!

Stepping into the shorts and pulling them up around his fat thighs, Simon couldn’t stop himself from grinning. Getting the fabric up and over his hard length proved to be something of a challenge but he was delighted by the tent that was created as a result. He was immediately overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure that had him gasping for breath and shooting his load into the shorts without ever even having to touch his cock. 

As he rode out the orgasm, Simon’s body began to undergo a number of changes with his fat beginning to firm up and transform into solid muscle. His sagging gut was pulled back up into his body and left him with six clearly defined abdominal muscles while his man-tits become perky pecs that bounced upon command. The double chins he was supported similarly vanished while his jawline took on a squarer, more traditionally masculine look. The thin hair on his scalp began to thicken and became a golden blond while all of his body hair vanished, as if he had recently waxed it to better show off all of his big muscles.

With the remainder of his features being replaced by those of Mike Oberon, the former Simon threw himself back onto the bed and began to feel up his large muscles. Never before had he experienced such bliss, nor did he have any explanation for the inexplicable but very welcome changes his body had undergone over the previous several minutes. 

Several blocks away, the real Mike had to pull over his truck as he found himself experiencing a sudden pain. He stared down at his body as it began piling on the pounds, his prized muscles vanishing into nothingness as he took on the form of an overweight fifty-four year old. He stared at himself in the wing mirror, not recognizing the face staring back at him in abject horror but understanding what had happened with perfect clarity. His ex-girlfriend Hanna had furiously told him that he was more in love with his body than he was in her and she was going to make sure that in the long run he lost it the same way he was losing her. He’d called her a crazy bitch and kicked her out but not before she screamed that she had cursed him and he would live to regret his decisions. Back then he truly had believed her to be crazy but now, looking at the stranger’s face in the mirror, he was made aware of the terrifying truth.

All the curse had needed was for somebody to gain possession of an item of Mike’s clothing and Simon had unwittingly triggered the curse by pulling the shorts on and soaking the fabric with his seed. After that he didn’t need to steal from other men’s lockers anymore - after all he now had all of Mike’s wardrobe available to him and every item of clothing he pulled on aroused him just as much as that first pair of shorts had!


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