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Victor's relationship with his son hadn't recovered from the blazing row that had pushed them apart almost ten months earlier. The middle-aged man had always tolerated his son's bisexuality, believing it to be nothing more than a phase and that one day he would meet a good woman that he'd eventually make his wife. When Simon had announced that he was engaged to a man though Victor was furious and said a lot of things he regretted but knew he'd never be able to take back. Simon hadn't so much as given him a chance to apologise or explain himself though and Victor had been met by silence for the majority of the year. It would have taken a Christmas miracle to get the two of them in the same room again so that was what the older man got onto his knees and prayed for.

While Victor was a religious man and believed in the miracle of Christmas, he wasn't sure there was any power in Heaven on Earth that could get the two men together again. He was proven wrong immediately upon opening his eyes on Christmas morning though as he was greeted by the unexpected sight of his son's face, still blissful in sleep. The sight was startling to say the least and Victor's heart skipped a beat before he began shuffling away, promptly falling out of the bed and onto his ass. The noise was enough to startle his bed-partner awake and after some ruffling of the sheets, Simon's face appeared above him with a look of concern decorating his features.

"Everything alright, babe?" Simon's voice mumbled sleepily.

Victor wasn't sure how to respond, mostly because he wasn't sure what the hell was happening. He had most certainly fallen asleep the night before alone in his own bed, bitterly thinking of the fractured relationship he had with his son and had awoken some eight hours later sharing a bed with that same individual. "I... had a bad dream," he croaked out in response, raising a hand to his throat as he spoke, realising that he didn't recognise the voice. What the hell was going on?

Simon's hand moved down to caress Victor's cheek and he instinctively moved away, not used to being touched in such a vulnerable fashion by another man. "It must have really spooked you, huh," Simon mused, a brief look of hurt flashing across his features. "Come on, babe, it's still early. Come back to bed." A small amount of light was pouring through the gaps in the curtains but everything outside of the bedroom sounded very still, suggesting that it was indeed still very early in the morning of Christmas Day. As much as Victor wanted to fall back into the depths of sleep, he felt entirely unsettled by the confusing situation he found himself in and instead settled on a different option.

"I'm just gonna get some water," he mumbled, lifting himself onto his feet and padding towards the door, purposely not looking back at his son who was visibly undressed and barely covered by the sheets. Victor was alarmed by just how heavy he felt, as if every step was that of a giant thundering across a tiny landscape. Stumbling into the en-suite bathroom, he closed the door behind him and quickly turned the lock to ensure that he could get just a moment of peace without having to deal with the potential of his estranged son sauntering into the room to check up on him at any moment.

Grabbing at the tap to splash some water upon his face, Victor was instead greeted by the presence of another man in the room. He opened his mouth to yell out in surprise when he realised his mistake. He was, in fact, alone in the room as the other man was looking back at him in the mirror. His reflection was not his own, but that of a much younger man with an impressive bulky body and a furry chest. He didn't resemble Victor's pale skinny frame at all, especially not with those tree trunk legs and the wide shoulders. 

Victor was so caught up in surprise at the fact that the man in the mirror was not who he was expecting to see that it took him several minutes to recognise that he had met the man in person before. Joshua was one of the few guys that Simon had actually introduced Victor to, not that he had ever actually given any of his son's boyfriends the time of day. The young man had been perfectly respectful during their initial meeting - charming, even - but Victor had been staunch in his idea that Simon would eventually settle down with a woman and get over his troublesome 'phase'.

"Holy fuck," Victor muttered, turning his head from side to side and watching Joshua do the same in the mirror. He pulled a few silly poses, even flexing his biceps, and each movement was perfectly mirrored. It was unsettling, strangely fascinating and most surprisingly even arousing to an extent. His boxers were starting to tent as Joshua's cock came to life, beginning to harden and make its presence known. Victor did his best to will it down but such a thing didn't seem possible when it was so big! A quick check of the equipment confirmed that he was working with a legitimate eight inches or more and it prompted the man to let out another curse in surprise. 

A knock on the door startled Victor moments before he could wrap his hand around the shaft, intending to give it a few experimental strokes. "Everything alright in there?" Simon's voice came from the other side, reminding Victor jut where he was and who's body he was in. Touching another man's body wouldn't be right, especially not his son's fiancé! Snapping the waistband of his boxers shut, Victor scolded himself and splashed his face with water.

"Sure, just one minute!" he called back. He didn't know what the hell he was going to do and was starting to panic. There was no way he could tell Simon the truth - it would make the situation impossibly uncomfortable, especially if Simon realised that his dad was getting hard in his fiancé's body! It most certainly wasn't the right time to make amends which left only one option - he would have to pretend to be Joshua. He wasn't sure how that was possible considering he'd never bothered to learn anything about the young man but it was do or die and Victor was hoping that the adrenaline would be able to carry him through.

Unlocking the door and leaving the en-suite, he leaned in to place a kiss on Simon's cheek and quickly moved past him before the other could attempt anything more intimate. "You're right," he declared, "It's still too early. Let's get back to sleep." It was clear as day from Simon's expression that the other wanted some more explanation for the rude awakening but he relented without saying anything else and returned to the bed. His arms wrapped around his fiancé's waist and Victor willed himself not to focus on the weight against his back, especially given the fact he was painfully hard at that moment.

Although it took some time, Victor did eventually fall back to sleep. His time as Joshua wasn't revealed to be a nightmare though and indeed when he woke again some hours later he was still in the body of his son's partner, only now he actually felt like Joshua. He knew details about the man that he couldn't possibly know and that included intimate information about his relationship with Simon - where their first date was, who had topped who first, even how Simon had recounted the argument with his father to Joshua earlier that year. As he looked upon Simon it was no longer as a father looking to make amends but that of a lover and a friend who only wanted the best for the other. 

A part of him still knew that he wasn't really Joshua but he felt content to live the other man's life for the time being and give his son a happy holiday season. They were on a skiing vacation in the Alps with Joshua's whole family and judging from his newfound memories, Victor knew he would have no issues out on the ski slopes nor with Joshua's family. He could slip into Joshua's life and never look back, especially as it meant he would finally be able to make his son happy. This isn't right, a rational part of his brain tried to remind him, He's your son!

As Simon leaned across the bed and pressed his lips against him though, Victor lost the battle against Joshua and the younger man's persona took over completely. Who cares when he's damn cute and great in bed?!



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