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Officer Richard Maure-Cassidy was certain of the fact that he was the boss of any room he entered. He had shaped his body to perfection through hours in the gym and an incredibly strict diet, monitoring his calorie intake closely and ensuring that he maintained his course. The simple truth, as far as he was concerned, was that very few men had the dedication to their bodies that he had and that was why nobody could ever match up to him. Rich was well aware of his physical supremacy over other men but there were no shortage of chicks lining up to tell him as such too, hoping to appease him enough to score a night in his company. He was more than happy to oblige with a revolving door of women getting the privilege to explore his godly body on a daily basis.

Having earned the reputation as being the department's pretty boy for obvious reasons, Rich wasn't shy about expressing his opinions when it came to how his colleagues treated their bodies. Certainly none of them matched up to him, nor could they even dream of. He'd seen their diets and was frankly disgusted by all of the beer they drank and savoury snacks they devoured on a daily basis. He couldn't tolerate that unhealthy lifestyle and was frankly disgusted that he was so surrounded by it when really they should have all been attempting to emulate his success. At the very least he had no competition when it came to being the 'face' of the police throughout the city.

Rich's consistent gloating about his muscular body and success with the ladies eventually and unsurprisingly pushed one of the junior officers over the edge sooner rather than later. Officer Bryan Howell was several years younger and while he was clearly not unfit he carried a little more weight around his waistline than he had back in his college days. He wasn't at all ashamed of it either but he took issue with Rich's decision to nickname him tubs and act as if he was some hideous creature simply because he wasn't in the gym every morning and evening.

Bryan's rant was laughed off by the more obnoxious Rich but the irritations were carried home by the younger officer and he shared the story with his loving husband who was mortified by what he heard. While Bryan only intended to share the story to let off some steam his husband saw an opportunity to get a little revenge and ensure that Rich experienced a change that would force him to consider his words and how he treated others more carefully. 

When Rich was offered the box of donuts the next morning by a man he vaguely recognised as being the partner of the homo who had snapped at him the day before, he merely laughed. "Like hell am I eating that junk," he replied dismissively, "Get that shit outta my face." The man was insistent though, all but pushing the box into Rich's hands. He was in half a mind to throw the savoury snacks to the ground and stamp on them in defiance but something stopped him. It seemed that there was an otherworldly twinkle in the other man's eyes that left him momentarily transfixed and before he could even realise what he was doing he had opened the box and delivered one of the donuts directly to his waiting lips where he took a big bite.

Although disgusted with his actions, Rich had to admit to himself that the donut tasted absolutely exceptional. He intended to place it back into the box and force it against the other man's chest but instead took another bite and savoured the delicious taste of jam. As he did so his mid-section began to bloat causing tension around the belt area. All of his clothes suddenly felt a little too tight and while that wasn't an unfamiliar sensation considering his admirable muscle mass, this time it felt different. It wasn't a good tightness but rather like he was being unfairly contained and his body was desperate to escape its constraints at whatever cost. It was quite unlike anything he had experienced before and it was equal parts terrifying and arousing.

"Go on, you know you want more," the other man prompted and Rich was compelled to admit that it was the truth. He really did want more, even though he was horrified to admit it. A third bite quickly followed and with the fourth he had finished devouring the first donut. Thankfully there was a second waiting in the box and within moments he had moved onto it, enjoying the sweet trickle of custard as it hit his tongue. His clothes were painfully tight due to the expansion of his body, this time from fat rather than muscle, and he was desperate to shed some of them but also didn't want to stop eating. 

"You got more of these?" he grunted through a mouthful of the custard donut, reaching down with one hand to loosen his belt a little. He should have been horrified by the gut that was forming there but instead found himself strangely at peace with it. Despite having all but inhaled two donuts in a short space of time he found himself starving for more and was already beginning to dream of consuming even more despite his supposed hatred for such unhealthy snack food. His new best friend seemed happy to provide though and produced another box, this time with eight donuts of a variety of colours and flavours, seemingly out of thin air.

With a rumbling gut and promise of more delicious treats, Rich dived right in without pausing to question how the box could have possibly appeared. The onlooker smiled and reached out to grab at the other's growing love-handles through his shirt. Pretty much all of his muscle was now hidden under a layer of fat and nobody would ever suspect that just minutes earlier he had been almost impossibly ripped. 

"Go on tubs, eat up!" Bryan's smiling husband encouraged, the revenge tasting just as sweet as any donut ever possibly could - not that Rich would ever know!


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