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I was a loser in life. No job, no boyfriend, no reason to live. I lived a miserable existence and as such when I was cornered in an alleyway one night, I didn’t feel afraid. If that was how my life ended then that was the way it was going to go. At least my killer was a handsome man, the kind that wouldn’t look out of place on a fashion runway. 

We seemed to surprise each other though - I by his good looks and him by my lack of fear, even when he showed off his fangs. Halloween was in a few days so they didn’t seem totally out of place given the season. It wasn’t as if I believed he was actually a vampire. Don’t be ridiculous! He was just some gorgeous psychopath who probably got off on murdering the downtrodden of the world. Messed up, sure, but not supernatural.

There was nowhere to go as he advanced and soon I was pinned to the wall, with mere inches between our faces. This was the closest I had been to another guy in a long time and my body was starting to take notice. The handsome attacker glanced down and smirked at the sight of my growing bulge before reaching down to palm my hardening shaft through it. “You aren’t scared?” he asked in a voice that was as smooth as silk.

“Not at all,” I replied, my voice surprisingly steady. “If this is how I die then at least I get a good view.” The remark earned a low chuckle from the other man and his grip tightened around my bulge, provoking a hiss of pain from me. Still, I’d always liked to be roughed up so this was something out of a dream for me, even if it was likely to end with dire consequences.

For what felt like hours the man paused and stared straight into my eyes, as if gazing directly into my soul. I couldn’t help but hold his gaze, captivated by the beautiful golden flecks within the hazel of his irises. “What if I could promise you something more?” he asked finally, beginning to massage my bulge with his hand again. “Something worth living for. Living forever for.”

“With you offering? I’d take it,” I replied without missing a beat. I was totally lost in the other man’s eyes, as if there was something hypnotic about them, but truthfully I was so turned on by this gorgeous stranger that I likely would have agreed to anything. “Are you going to bite me?” I couldn’t believe what I was asking but the question brought about a devilish smirk from the other that made my heart skip a beat.

There was no vocal response. Instead the man surged forward and sunk his fangs into my neck while using his superior strength to keep my pinned to the wall. A gasp escaped my lips followed by a moan but I found myself unable to scream for help. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to. Like I said, if this was how I died then I was at least glad that my killer had not only been easy on the eyes but had also taken the time to get me all hot first.

Within moments the world began to spin and my eyelids began drooping. I clung onto the man’s shoulders, not in an attempt to push him away but to steady myself. I could faintly hear myself moaning but each time the voice sounded deeper and deeper. Nothing made sense when the world was turning upside down and as I felt something warm and wet pressed against my lips, I began to suck on instinct. Whatever it was, it tasted delicious and I wanted more.

The next thing I knew I was waking up in an apartment that could only be described as luxury, with expensive art pieces decorating the walls and thick black curtains covering all sources of natural light. “Good, you’re awake.” My attacker was there, lounging in a leather armchair and looking as gorgeous as ever. He stared down at me, that devilish smirk still on his lips, and a shiver traveled down my spine. “It’s been twelve hours. I was almost starting to get worried.”

“Tw-- twelve hours?” I asked, only to find that my voice was not my own. It was much lower for one thing, and seemingly now had traces of my attacker’s accent. I wasn’t attempting to emulate his voice on purpose, it was just happening automatically! “What… weren’t you going to kill me?” That was the last thing I could remember - the certainty that I was about to die.

“I did,” the man replied casually, “And then I gave you new life. I saw a kindred spirit in you, you see, and I’ve been lonely for far too long. I decided to put a piece of myself into you and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.” My brain attempted to understand what he was telling me but nothing really made much sense. Had the fangs been real after all and not a part of some Halloween prank? Was I… a vampire now?

The man rose from his seat and crouched down next to me as I rose into a seated position. He pulled out a cell phone from his pocket and spun it around to show me the ‘selfie cam’. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Simply put, I was now the most handsome version of myself - square jaw, clear skin and thick raven hair. Upon closer inspection though, there were elements of my sire - the hazel eyes with flecks of gold, the neatly trimmed facial hair and, most impressively, the strong body with all of its thick muscles!

“That’s… me?” I asked, hardly believing what I was seeing. I wanted to, for sure, but it seemed so far past the point of possibility. The more I stared at my new self, the more questions were raised but it was perhaps the most trivial one that I found myself asking first - “But I thought vampires couldn’t see themselves in pictures?”

The other man merely laughed and gave my shoulder a firm squeeze. “Oh my friend, I have so much to teach you…”




Vampires always give me a rise. Thanks for the story. Hopefully, more to come


No problem, thrilled to hear you enjoyed it! Certainly a fun topic to explore as I haven’t much previously...