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Vernon had been part of a generation where homosexuality was not only frowned upon but completely illegal. It happened of course but only in hushed corners and between the most depraved of men. He personally was no fan of all this ‘gay pride’ nonsense and argued intensely against same-sex marriage as well as the possibilities of two men or two women starting a family together. In his eyes, it simply wasn’t right.

As such when his grandson Jack announced that he was a homosexual, Vernon was both confused and disgusted. How could such evil be brewing in his own family? He pleaded with Jack to see sense and renounce his homosexuality but the boy was stubborn and tearfully told him that he still had every right to be loved.

Continually confused and frustrated, Vernon turned to an old friend to articulate his feelings and confess the shame that his grandson’s deviancy had brought upon his family. “I simply cannot understand why he chooses this,” he ranted, “I wish I knew, I really do. Why would a man choose to love another man?” It was a question he believed there was no answer to other than insanity. He would soon, however, discover just how wrong he was.

Vance woke the next morning in a state of confusion. He glanced up at the ceiling of his bedroom and ran a hand through the thick hair of his chest, already letting his mind wander. He’d woken up with a serious case of morning wood and visions of one person began to populate his mind immediately. He couldn’t remember exactly where it was he’d met Jack - maybe the gym, or at work - but that hardly mattered. All he could think about was how gorgeous the other man was and how desperately he wanted to feel those lips against his own.

As Vance reached his climax and covered his furry chest in his load, fleeting memories of being an elderly man with staunch republican views flashed through his mind before vanishing altogether. In their place were memories of his own journey towards accepting himself as a gay man and being proud enough of it to stand up to his homophobic family. That was why he was so keen to march in the pride parades and campaign for same-sex marriage in the same countries where they would have once been imprisoned for their love.

Now he wanted to help Jack stand up to his family and feel free to be proud of himself. He then, of course, also had some more devious intentions when it came to the other, particularly involving those gorgeous lips, but those were to be discussed when they were next alone...


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