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Your relationship with your roommate had never exactly been great but it had only soured when he'd come into a large sum of money and decided to purchase a top-of-the-range bodysuit for himself. Now he often paraded around the apartment in little to no clothing, proudly showing off his latest purchase and all of its glorious artificial muscles. His superiority complex was unbelievable as he expected to be treated like some sort of living breathing god and took umbrage to your refusal to simply bow down for him.

"Why are you always such a bitch?" he would ask, his words coming out as a deep rumble due to the effects of the suit's voice modulator. It wasn't the first time he had called you a bitch and you were certain it wouldn't be the last. Your usual response was to roll your eyes and do your best to ignore him - something that was much easier said than done thanks to his obnoxious behavior.

The new bodysuit gave him access to a life that had once been closed off from him, one of lavish parties and late-night hook-ups. Men, women... his body was desirable to all and if you hadn't known what a slimy manipulative individual wore that suit, you certainly would have found him attractive too. Thankfully you were immune to his charm and had worked up a resistance to his bullshit, although the thought of getting a little revenge was ever present in your mind.

After what felt like a lifetime of torment, the opportunity would finally present itself well past midnight on the night before a big class test you'd been attempting to cram for. Your roommate staggered into the apartment, too drunk to even hold himself up properly and after a faint grunt in your direction, collapsed face-first onto the leather sofa. Within moments he began to snore softly and you stared at this muscular mountain of a man passed out in front of your very eyes.

While the rational part of your brain reminded you of the importance of the test you were studying far, the more chaotic part saw the opportunity to finally get a little revenge. That need to turn the tables on your roommate and relish in tormenting him over his foolishness was far too strong and you slowly rose from your place at the dining table to make your way into the connected living room and towards the slumbering hunk on the sofa.

Your roommate was so blisteringly drunk that he didn't stir from the sensation of having the bodysuit's zipper opened from the back of his neck to the base of his spine. Inside you could see the more slender body of your roommate and with some struggle, were able to pull him out entirely. He shifted slightly in your hands, momentarily stirring, but a quick whisper of reassurance sent him back into his doze.

With the bodysuit finally free of its undeserving owner, you were left to stare at it in awe. Your heart raced as you considered your options but you knew there was only one thing you wanted to do and nothing was going to hold you back!

The next morning your roommate would awake to find himself feeling thin and vulnerable. He began to scream in horror as he realized that he had been stripped of his bodysuit, but that horror turned to burning anger as you sauntered around the corner wearing it and immediately flexed all of your new strong muscles. "Good, you're awake," you declared in deep Southern rumble, "Now how about some breakfast, huh?"

Your roommate stared at you, aghast. His jaw was slack and eyes wet but you couldn't find it in you to feel sympathetic. After all of his arrogance, he deserved to have the tables turned on him and to experience life as the consistently disrespected and eternally stressed student without the privilege of a hot body.

Without waiting for a response, you leaned in close and smirked. "Well? Let's get a move on... bitch."



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