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You were watching re-runs of Baby Daddy and lusting after the show's resident hunk Derek Theler when you made a vocal wish about wanting to look as good as he did in all those tight clothes. How were you supposed to know that your roommate's girlfriend, the only person in the room with you, was a wish-granter and was forced to grant your wish whether she wanted to or not? It wasn't as if you had any prior knowledge of magic but that hardly mattered when you found yourself blinking out of existence and suddenly awakening beside a swimming pool!

A glance down at the water showed you a reflection that wasn't quite your own but was definitely familiar. Staring back at you was the handsome visage of the hunky actor Derek Theler, someone you had been lusting over just moments ago. As you frowned, the reflection copied it and when you grinned, Derek's beautiful smile was reflected back at you. It was a strange experience but also rather arousing in nature and you were immediately starting to tent the only item of clothing you had on, a pair of swim-shorts that did little to hide the growing bulge.

There were a thousand questions that were raised by the situation you suddenly found yourself in but one came to the forefront and you stopped to consider it for the moment. If you were in Derek's body, where was he? Was he in your body? Was he still in his own body, just buried deep under your mind? Or was he somewhere else entirely - and if so, where?

Thankfully your cock was too needy for you to dwell on that question for too long and excusing yourself from the poolside, you ventured off to find yourself a little privacy to begin enjoying Derek's body...


One moment Derek had been enjoying a lazy day down by the pool at the hotel he was staying in, thinking about the chaos he would have to endure at the convention the next day, and the next moment everything went strange. His body jolted for a moment and Derek felt a strange pushing sensation, as if his spirit was being pushed out of his own body, only it didn't go far.

The sensation of being pushed gave way to a feeling of being stretched around something and as Derek attempted to gasp out in surprise, he realized that he could no longer make a noise. Indeed, his own mouth seemed to be out of his control as he was entirely unable to move. He could taste something salty and surprisingly tasty although he couldn't quite identify the source. He felt so full and it was alarmingly relaxing, even as his body began to move without him in the driver's seat.

It was only when his body finally made it in front of a mirror that Derek began to understand what had happened to himself. His consciousness had been sent in the swim-shorts he had been wearing and he was now wrapped around his own thick thighs and the unmistakable bulge of his hard cock! That was what tasted so delicious and as pre-cum began to seep into Derek's new fabric body, he felt the best orgasm of his whole life. Now he could only anticipate feeling the full force of his own load and hope that he wouldn't be stripped out of any time soon...



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