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Joseph was the opposite of Aaron in almost every way:

Where Aaron was young, Joseph was old. 

Where Aaron was muscular, Joseph was fat. 

Where Aaron was straight, Joseph was gay.

Perhaps most importantly though, where Joseph was kind, Aaron was cruel. He had little love for the world or indeed anybody that wasn't reflected back at him in the mirror. His body was his prized possession and he was quick to deem others as lesser than himself for the most minor of reasons.

As his neighbor, Joseph had unfortunately become a victim of Aaron's cruel nature time and time again. He was relentlessly mocked for his weight and his nerdier interests by the younger man, being commonly referred to as a "tubby neckbeard virgin". At forty years old, Joseph felt truly emasculated being mocked by somebody almost twenty years his junior but he lacked the courage to stand up for himself. 

Things only began to change when Dorothy, the kind elderly witch who lived just a few doors away from both men, saw just how bad the situation was. She knew that she needed to intervene and her magic would allow her to rectify the situation in a unique fashion, one that would hopefully teach both men a lesson. Aaron needed some humility and Joseph needed to experience strength. Switching their bodies would allow both of them to get what they needed most.

While Aaron was as miserable in his older neighbor's body as expected, lamenting the love handles he now possessed, it was Joseph's reaction that most caught Dorothy by surprise. Instead of simply experiencing life as Aaron or even acting smug towards the other, he saw fit to get revenge in his own manner. If Aaron's body was the younger man's most prized possession then he would taint it to the best of his ability and there was one incredibly easy way to do that.

Seeing Aaron's fit young body consistently snacking on sweet treats and indulging on fast food was quite the alarming sight for the rest of his neighbors but none found it more troubling than the real Aaron. He begged Joseph for mercy until he turned angry but could do little to convince the other not to spoil everything he had worked so hard for. Instead Joseph merely smiled at the other and took a large bite out of the second XXL pizza he'd ordered that day.

By the time Dorothy switched them back, Joseph was determined to leave Aaron with a body he'd feel ashamed of but until then, he was going to enjoy putting the pounds on and shaking his ever-expanding gut! Aaron would have to kiss his muscles goodbye before they were long gone!



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