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"Hey Jared, are you sure you're okay?" Jensen asked, frowning down at where his co-star and best friend was sat. The taller man had been different ever since he had arrived on set that morning and had flubbed a fair few lines which had been funny at first but was soon making the whole crew irritable, Jensen included. They already had long days when shooting Supernatural and didn't need them to be any longer.

Little did Jensen know that the man beside him wasn't really Jared Padalecki, nor were they even a male. In the early hours of that morning Jared's hunky body had been possessed by the consciousness of Jessica, a die-hard fan of the show - and Jared's character Sam in particular. 

Jessica and her girlfriend Melina had carefully planned out how they were going to possess the bodies of the show's main stars to enjoy a little vacation away from their homophobic families. The magic they were using was temperamental at best so Jessica had been relieved when she woke up and found that it had worked and she was now inside the body of a gorgeous man with millions of fans around the world.

Melina had promised that she would cast her own spell right after Jessica did so she could possess Jensen Ackles, but the other actor hadn't seemingly been affected at all. Jessica had tried to hint at her true identity all day, hoping that Melina's consciousness would break through and take control of Jensen's body but got nothing in return. Jessica didn't even know if Melina's spell had been successful - or was even cast in the first place! Her text messages received no response and it left the young girl feeling understandably distressed.

This was supposed to be a fun getaway for the two of them and now there was every chance that Jessica would be spending it alone with no idea what had happened to her girlfriend...

I'm going to be continuing this story but I want you guys to choose what happens next! It's up to you guys to suggest what happened to Melina and all of your responses will be put up in a poll over the next few days!



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