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Call me shallow or whatever you'd like but I'll be honest and straight up admit that Derek here isn't my usual type of body. I'm normally one to go for the lean young studs who prioritize squats over all else at the gym to get that delicious booty. Derek though? He's the man that hits everything hard and reaps the reward with his strong muscles and dominant personality. There was something so attractive about him that I couldn't help but want him.

Maybe it's picky of me but I usually prefer my guys to have hair. The shaven look works for Derek though - in fact it adds to his masculine charm. Broad shouldered with a smoldering expression... Derek's not the kind of guy anyone would mess with and I found myself incredibly attracted to his undeniable confidence. I wanted a taste and with my abilities, I could do more than just seduce him - not that he'd go for me. The dude was straight as an arrow, but with me in control he wouldn't have to be!

I first encountered Derek in the gym, letting out deliciously deep grunts as he lifted incredible weights on the bench press. It was hypnotic in effect and I couldn't help but stop and stare at the delight presented so unexpectedly to me. He became an object of attraction soon after and over the next few days I monitored him closely, taking notice of his relationships with the other occupants of the gym. I watched as he flirted with the women and bumped fists with the personal trainers, memorizing every interaction as well I could.

My mind had been made up the moment I'd first seen him benching my body weight and I had no regrets with my decision. Sticking to type was the safe thing to do but there was nothing wrong with a little adventure and that's what Derek presented to me. All I needed was the perfect opportunity and it finally came as I followed him to the locker room and watched him pad towards the showers.

With the smaller guys I normally pick there's not much resistance when I finally push myself into them - hell, most of them start moaning in pleasure. Derek was different though and I was momentarily thrown off my game as I realized he was actively resisting the possession, grunting in despair as I fought to push myself further into his back and takeover his body and mind. It was a challenge I hadn't expected but my control of magic soon gave me the edge and I disappeared into him entirely, finally settling in comfortably.

The showers provided the perfect opportunity to explore Derek's muscular body for the first time and I wasn't disappointed with what I found. Meaty pecs, broad shoulders and bulging biceps... every inch of his body was perfectly crafted and it was no wonder that I was hard in almost record time. Possessing somebody was a pretty arousing experience but I wasn't sure I'd ever felt quite as good as I did once I'd gotten comfortable in Derek's skin.

Even now, hours later and back in Derek's apartment loft, I'm still having a lot of fun settling in. I don't know how long I'll be sticking around in Derek's life but it's an adventure I can't wait to live out. I was thinking about growing his hair out a bit but I don't know, I'm kind of loving his shaven head look. Really adds to the 'ultra-macho' thing he's got going on. Needless to say, hair or not, I'm going to be a hit when I finally hit the clubs this weekend! The gays will hardly believe the meal that's on offer...



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