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Getting what you want from people is easy if you know what buttons to push here. Take Zack Ryder here, a WWE Superstar with a killer look and surprisingly low self-esteem. He'd never received the opportunities in wrestling that he thought he deserved and felt abandoned by both his employers and the fans. All he needed was a little attention and he became putty in my hands to do with as I pleased.

Of course, what I wanted from Zack wasn't something he would willingly give up. His body was his prized possession after all, but that had hardly stopped me before. The first step was getting close to him and that was as easy as could possibly be, disguising myself as a fan at his gym and offering to spot him on the shoulder press. I admired the way his muscles moved as he worked through the set and it was clear from his smirk that he appreciated the attention.

I had to be patient with my operation because gaining his trust was vital to getting what I wanted. Within a few days he had requested a shoulder massage and I quickly accepted, seizing the opportunity to feel his strong trapezius muscles under my grip. His arrogance was beginning to shine as he put on flexing shows for my appeal, believing me to be nothing more than an innocent fanboy with a crush.

After a week of all but serving as Zack's lackey, I finally asked him the decisive question - "Can you help me get a body like yours?" I could see in his eyes that he thought the request was ridiculous and even pitied me for asking but instead of voicing his disbelief he smiled and nodded.

"Sure, bud. You'll be a Broski in no time!" he replied, slapping me on the back and nearly knocking me off my feet. The thought of that strength soon being mine had me almost tenting my pants right there in the middle of the gym.

We charged through the workout at Zack's usual heavy pace with him outdoing me on every exercise but it only gave me more opportunity to admire his perfect body. He had even begun swinging his hips a little when he walked to show off his tight ass. Was there any feature of his that wasn't perfection?

I only had to wait for him to step into the shower to seize my opportunity. He had given me the permission I needed to possess him - the only limitation to my power. Keeping quiet, I followed him to the stall and the moment the water began to cascade down his muscular back, I stepped forward and pressed right into him.

Zack's body tensed up immediately but he was completely frozen in place, his mind alone attempting to fight off the invader to little avail. He had - admittedly unknowingly - granted me permission after all which made the whole ordeal quick and painless. Within moments, I was control and finally had his body all under my control.

"Well damn," I muttered, enjoying the inflection of Zack's voice, "Guess I really am a Broski now..."



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