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When my boyfriend first told me about this new software he'd purchased for some unholy amount that could supposedly transform the human body and mind, I was furious. Content in the knowledge that no such thing was possible, I saw his purchase of the Chronivac program as nothing but a complete waste of money that we couldn't afford. Some months we struggled to make rent and a setback like this was hardly going to help!

Knowing that my anger would get the better of me, I left him at our apartment to play around on his dumb game. I would only end up yelling at him even more if I had to listen to him explain how great this Chronivac was. Transformations of the body and mind were only achieved through hard work and gym time, not by some computer program selling for hundreds of pounds online. I didn't think that was too difficult to understand but apparently my boyfriend hadn't been clued in.

A quick trip to the local coffee shop to rant about my boyfriend's idiocy with a close friend didn't exactly improve my mood tenfold but I certainly felt calmer as I returned to the apartment to have a serious adult conversation with my boyfriend. I could hardly believe what I found though, because the hunk of a man still playing with the laptop on the sofa was definitely not my boyfriend!

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" I gasped, heartbeat racing as I desperately glanced around for some sign of my boyfriend. Had he left the door unlocked and let a complete stranger wander into our apartment? As if I don't have enough reasons to be mad at him! My gaze returned to the man, noting each glorious curve of his muscles, before I realized that I actually did recognize him somewhat.

The hunk grinned at me, not offering any verbal response as my brain filled in the gaps. It was difficult to recognize at first but there were still lingering features of my boyfriend on that muscular body - his eyes, his calf tattoo and his smile. Everything else though was completely different and it was no wonder I didn't identify him sooner. His lean body had been replaced by muscles upon muscles and he looked like he belonged on the cover page of a fitness magazine, not sat behind a desk in a low-paying office job!

"I promised you, babe, it was a smart investment," my boyfriend said, his voice several octaves deeper. A shiver rushed down my spine and the front my pants became uncomfortably tight in a moment. "All we need is some good pics and we'll be making model-money in no time!"

My brain took a moment to catch up to what he was talking about, but there was definitely something about his words that stood out to me. "We?" What did he mean we? I certainly wasn't traditionally handsome or muscular enough to be a model, even if he suddenly was.

"Well I'm glad you asked!" Grinning at me, my boyfriend began to play around with his Chronivac software a little more. "Let me load up the profile I made for you while you were out..."



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