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When you've transformed as many people in your life as I have, it can be pretty hard to keep track of everyone. Thankfully there are always a few that stand out in your memory and Dalton was one of mine. 

Now if you're currently thinking "What kind of stupid name is Dalton?" then don't worry because you're not alone. That was my first impression too and I'm sure you won't be too surprised to discover that he was your average rich boy with an ego the size of Africa. He truly believed that the world was his to enjoy and that he was beyond the reach of consequences so he treated others like dirt and seemed to get away with it.

Some guys have the body to back up that ego but Dalton was certainly not among them. Despite being fairly tall, he was as pale as a ghost and slender as could be. While he certainly didn't have much in the way of body fat, he wasn't exactly packing on muscle either and looked so delicate that a strong wind might snap him in half. His handsome face was his saving grace but even that could turn ugly when he sneered at those he believed to be beneath him.

Upon discovering just how vile Dalton really was, I knew that I had to step in and I damn well enjoyed every single moment of it. The young man's transformation took from him all of the smarts and privilege that he was so proud of, leaving him a blank slate for me to build upon.

That leads us to do today, my regular six month visit to see how Dalton's getting on. As you can see from the picture I've been kind enough to attach, he's a long shot from the unpleasant young man I described above. Tanned skin and rippling muscles are defining features and while he's definitely even more handsome in the face department, he doesn't have the ego to really enjoy himself. Instead I installed in his mind a constant need to improve himself as he's never allowed to feel beautiful or above anyone else anymore. It's had the side effect of making him incredibly submissive, something the other guys at the gym have picked up on.

I don't think you'll be too surprised to hear that Don (he decided that Dalton was too long and posh for him) and I have hooked up a few times. It's been a pleasure to explore those glorious muscles with him and know that I'm dominating somebody that previously would have turned his nose up at me simply because of my economic and social background.

Now that I've checked in with Don and had a bit of fun, it's time I left him to his workout. He works as an exotic dancer at the nearby gay club these days and spends hours in the gym every day making sure his body's in perfect condition for all the guys he's going to be grinding on later. If you ever end up there, make sure to seek him out. Trust me, he'll make sure you have a good night!



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