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Some people really should check the calendar more often. Certain days are notorious for boosting the magical prowess of warlocks and witches after all, plus it's never too difficult to get hold of amulets that will be boosted in power on particular holidays. After all, Garrick had managed to get his hands on one and he didn't have a single lick of magical talent in him! What he had instead was a drive to make himself an alpha male and magic was the quickest and most efficient way to do that.

The amulet in Garrick's possession was only active once a year - on the first of April, a day notorious for pranks and mischievous beings running wild. This year Garrick would be among those and he had been planning his prank meticulously for weeks in advance, as well as picking out the perfect 'victim'. His choice was another occupant of the local gym and somebody Garrick had shared a few pleasant conversations with. Paul was actually a pretty nice guy but while he was packing less muscle, he was undoubtedly more charming and popular than him which made Garrick jealous. He had never dealt with competition well and knew that he had to do something to get the edge over Paul.

"I said you can borrow my body for the day. You know, see how it feels to have these muscles," Garrick hissed, alone with Paul in the gym's locker room. His shirt was off and he proudly showed off his muscular chest and sexy tattoos, knowing Paul was a fan of what he saw. The smaller man would never confess to it but Garrick knew that the other watched him flex and pose after his long workouts. It only made sense that Paul would want a chance to experience Garrick's body up close and personal.

Paul continued to stare dubiously at the other man. "I just don't understand what's in it for you," he responded, doing his best not to be too obvious about the fact he was rather amazed with Garrick's physique on such proud display. "Like, what do you get out of it?"

"Can't I do a good deed? Besides, I've heard being possessed is pretty fun. I wanna try it and I thought you'd be game!" Garrick was playing a good game and even impressing himself. He reached out his hand, leaving it there for Paul. "Come on, all you need to do is shake on it and you'll be pulled right in."

After what felt like forever, Paul let out a sigh and clasped Garrick's hand. The amulet began to glow a bright pink for a moment as magic radiated between the two men and sure enough Paul was pulled straight into Garrick's body. Unlike what had been promised to him though, Paul wasn't suddenly in control of the other man's glorious muscles.

Instead those very same muscles began to pump up a little more, becoming larger and even more enviable than ever. At the same time, some of Paul's natural charm began to run through Garrick's mind, making his quest to be the gym's top dog far easier. He had absorbed all of Paul's positives and added the other's lean muscle on top of his own to add to his own gorgeous reflection.

The 'prank' had been pulled off perfectly and honestly Garrick couldn't be happier that Paul hadn't bothered to check his calendar that morning. Thanks to him, everything had gone precisely to plan. Paul's mind was put to sleep, only responding whenever pleasure and excitement rushed throughout the muscular body. He wasn't nearly strong enough to challenge Garrick for control of the body and remained a victim of the joke that had been played on him that morning.

As far as Garrick was concerned though, it had been a damn good joke and he didn't have  thing to apologize for! After all, it wasn't as if he'd technically lied about anything...



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