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Ugh, can I just go one day without hearing them bicker like kids? Getting into work to hear your boss and co-worker arguing in the cubicle next to yours was hardly the best way to start your morning, and yet it had been the precise beginning of each working day for the last several weeks.

Truth be told, you didn't know how the hell your boss expected you to get any work done when his obnoxious whining voice broke through the peaceful silence every few minutes. The arguments ranged from the minute things to major political differences and despite your very best efforts to tune both voices out, it simply didn't work. The more heated their arguments became, their higher their voices rose and it was quite simply enough to get to drop your head against the desk - which wasn't exactly helping anyone.

I wish they'd just kiss and make-up. The passing thought was sarcastic in tone but one you couldn't help but stand by. As their voices rose once more, you rolled your eyes and made a quick escape from the desk to grab a coffee from the break room. It was going to be a long day, especially with the terrible twosome bickering so close by, and coffee would be a fair (if, sadly, only temporary) respite from it all. You were sure you couldn't be the only person who had noticed how insufferable both men are but nobody dared say anything, lest they be on the receiving end of their boss' notoriously short temper.

After taking some time to enjoy the relative peace of the break room, you finally returned to your cubicle feeling at least slightly calmer. Much to your relief the loud argument had ceased and you presumed your boss had returned to the ivory tower of his office, allowing yourself and your co-workers to get on with your work in peace. As you approached your cubicle though, another noise caught your attention and caused you to pause.

Much to your confusion - and, admittedly, amusement - you could hear the recognizable sounds of two individuals in the middle of a moment of passion. Sloppy kisses and desperate moans radiated from the cubicle right next to yours - in the exact cubicle you had heard arguing just minutes before. It can't be... can it? You thought back to your sarcastic wish, contemplating what could be happening in the cubicle.

With your curiosity getting the better of you, you crept towards the edge of the cubicle and risked a glance inside. What you saw very almost caused you to cry out in alarm - and perhaps arousal. The two men making out without any awareness of the world around them still resembled your boss and the employee he had disagreed so often with, only they were both cookie-cutter hunks with clear skin, strong muscles and perfectly styled hair. They were precisely the kind of guys that would draw attention at a nightclub but right now all their attention was reserved for the other.

Holy shit. Holy fuckin' shit. Feeling somewhat guilty for watching, especially as your body had started to react positively to what you had seen, you pulled away and hurried back into your own cubicle. The sounds of love-making were still distinguishable but they were a definite improving over the earlier arguing, for sure. Still, something told you that your work rate wasn't going to exactly improve all that much with such a distraction in the cubicle next door...

Still, you did technically get your wish. They won't be bickering all that much anymore, I can promise you that!


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