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It's always a shame when one of our models falls sick on the day of a photoshoot and has to drop out because he's physically a mess. The first few times it happened we were at a complete loss but we've got this down to an art now. After all, the most successful companies learn how to adapt and we pride ourselves on being a well-oiled machine and providing exactly what our employers hire us for.

This time around, our chosen model Zackary was unable to attend the photoshoot because of a freak accident the night before had left him with a broken leg. With him physically unable to stand without support, we had no choice but to replace him. We had liked his look though and new that he had been blessed with good genes so we didn't even have to look too far to find a replacement for him, only as far as his younger brother.

Dominic was a high school track star and while good looking, clearly living in his older brother's shadow. Zackary had always been the favorite and his modeling success had only garnered more favor with their parents, leaving Dominic struggling to catch up in second place. As many younger brothers have felt through the years, he always found himself struggling to outdo his brother in anything. Zackary got the career, the girls and the respect of everyone he met. How was Dominic supposed to compare?

Well, like all younger brothers sick of suffering in his sibling's shadow, Dominic got scheming. He had no intentions of seriously harming Zackary but removing him from his responsibilities for a while was certainly an option. Like his brother, Dominic had always wanted to model but was all too regularly overlooked. He needed one big break and with our shoot coming up, he saw an opportunity.

Now, you'll understand that what Dominic told me was in complete confidence so this shouldn't be stared. Dominic had done his research about our company and knew that it was likely he would hire an immediate replacement if anything happened to his brother, so he orchestrated the 'freak accident' that left his brother on the metaphorical bench for the next few weeks.

Our emergency plan for replacing models is a little potion our Talent Agency supplied us with. All we have to do is burn a picture of the model we want to replace over the potion, let the ashes drop in and it's ready for consumption. We've been told that the potion doesn't have the greatest of tastes but our replacement models are never complaining afterwards when their bodies have been streamlined to perfection, complete with tattoos and clear skin.

Dominic was quick to volunteer to replace his brother and sure enough our boss was happy for him to sign the single-day contract and no-disclosure policy that would prevent him from revealing our rather unconventional business methods. 

By using the younger brother of our first choice, we were pretty much able to get the exact look right. In fact, after consuming the potion anybody might have presumed that Dominic was Zackary's identical twin, it was so difficult to tell them apart! 

Despite his clear excitement at growing into a body that was older, taller and stronger than his own, Dominic was a complete professional to work with on set and an utter delight. I daresay that he was perhaps even more fit for the job than his older brother was! A number of our staff were impressed with him and stressed that they would like to work with him again, which was why we extended a second contract to him for the following week.

Sure, it did mean cancelling Zackary's contract for that same photoshoot but it turns out that sometimes the replacement can be even better than the real thing!


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