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My uncle said that I'd never be able to do his job. Then again, my uncle said a lot of things that could easily be proven wrong, it was just that he was so arrogant and obnoxious about it that most people simply accepted what he told them. I knew there wasn't a great relationship between him and my dad which made me sad because he was my dad's only sibling and shouldn't they get along? Even though there was a four years difference between us, my older brother and I got along great!

Unlike everybody else though, I wasn't afraid to challenge Uncle Rick when he was talking a load of rubbish. Despite only being eleven years old, I was already pretty mature and I wanted to be a cop when I grew up anyway so I felt confident that I'd be able to pull it off. Besides, Uncle Rick was notoriously lazy and I had every doubt that he was any different at work which was why he'd never gotten a promotion.

"I bet I would be a better cop than you," I declared, thrusting my hand out towards him. "Shake my hand, Uncle Rick. Do it, let me prove it!" My uncle wasn't exactly known for humoring his nephews but just this once he decided to and shook my hand with a smug grin on his face, thinking there was nothing I could do to prove it.

I had been prepared for this moment though and on my hand was painted an ancient rune that activated the moment out hands clasped together. Our souls were forced out of our own bodies and through the rune that connected us before being deposited in the opposing body. Filled with newfound strength, I ripped my hand out of my uncle's weaker grip and stared down at my former body, hardly believing that my plan had worked.

Uncle Rick threw a rather predictable tantrum, acting every bit like the selfish child he really had been all this time. It didn't take me long to rectify the situation, bending him over my knee and spanking him until he finally shut up and accepted that he had agreed to this and it was now time for me to prove to him that I had been right all along.

That was two months ago and I'm still in Uncle Rick's body, proving from day to day that I can be a much better cop - and uncle - than he ever was. He's still clinging to the hope that we're going to switch back soon but honestly why should I? He doesn't deserve an adult body like this until he's developed some maturity and an officer of the law really should be more responsible than he ever was.

I've improved Uncle Rick's life in so many ways over the last two months that I've really made it my own and honestly, I don't think he deserves to get this body back. My bosses at work were so impressed with my improved work ethic that I earned a pay-rise and I managed to fix things up with my dad so that we can have the mutually supportive relationship that brothers are supposed to have. He never got that because Rick was always so wrapped up in his own head but this new Rick isn't like that!

Uncle Rick can keep hoping that the reversal switch is coming any day now but as far as I'm concerned, I won the bet and this is my reward!


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