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Over the past several months, Graham's body had caused him absolute hell. He was plagued by constant headaches and an uneasy twisting of his gut had left him feeling sick for weeks on end. He had visited a number of doctors and emergency rooms but nobody seemed capable of offering him any true assistance. As the pained days continued, Graham's frustration rose to new heights. There was an explanation behind his mystery illness, he was sure of it, but uncovering the answers seemed like an impossibility. 

After months of trying and failing to find help, Graham was introduced by chance to Dr William Fitzpatrick who claimed to have exactly he needed. Dr Fitzpatrick was something of a breath of fresh air compared to the stuffy old doctors Graham had been consulting for the past few months. Younger than most, he stood easily over six foot and his body was clearly well-defined under the crisp black shirt that adorned his body. There was no doubt that he looked after himself and Graham almost felt a twinge of jealousy, wishing he had the time and commitment to improve himself to such a degree.

"I think this would be the perfect opportunity to prescribe some Alphlex," Dr Fitzpatrick declared shortly after Graham had described his symptoms. "They're new on the market so it's possible that your previous doctors weren't aware of them. Just one little tablet a day and you should be feeling better than ever within a week."

Alphlex sounded too good to be true but, pushed to his limit, Graham was quick to agree. He would try anything in the hopes of making the illness that had plagued him leave his body. Dr Fitzpatrick explained that he'd have to take a single tablet every morning within a glass of water and he had no doubt that Graham would be feeling the effects almost immediately. The doctor said it all with such a charming smile and shining bright eyes that Graham found himself trusting the man wholeheartedly.

Much to his disappointment, there was no immediate pain relief after he had taken the first tablet but Graham thankfully still had some patience remaining and he was content to stick it out and at least try the medication for a few days more. Just a few short hours later though and the positive effects were beginning to make themselves known as the doctor had promised. The uneasy feeling in Graham's gut finally began to subside and he was able to let out a long breath of relief at the lack of pain in his body. He couldn't even remember the least time simply sitting still had felt painless!

Within days Graham's well-being and attitude skyrocketed beyond his belief. He felt motivated like never before and had taken to jogging around the neighborhood, each time unknowingly showcasing more of his body as he progressed from loose-fitting sweaters to tank tops that hugged a muscular torso he was strangely unsure he had possessed just a week ago. Still, he was hardly going to second guess his newfound confidence, especially because it proved that Dr Fitzpatrick had been right about Alphlex all along. 

After a month of being on Alphlex life had become a whole lot easier for the once down-and-out Graham. His positive attitude had led to him being gifted a promotion at work and he was hitting the dating scene in full force, rather surprised by just how many gorgeous young men and women found his body desirable. Of course, the more attention that was paid to it, the more he couldn't help but place focus on it. Was there really any shame in getting big and buff like a real Alpha Male should be?

As you can see, three months on the newly anointed Gray has responded well to his daily dosage of Alphlex. As long as he kept the habit up of downing a tablet with a glass of water every morning for the next three months he would be able to enjoy the benefits for the rest of his life. 

There was no memory left in his mind of the physically unimpressive and mentally submissive young man who had been suffering from near-constant pain but there was hardly a great loss. Truth be told, he wasn't even all that sure why he was on Alphlex in the first place but who was he to disobey a doctor's orders, especially when the doctor was his best bro Dr Fitz?


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