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I've always been too trusting - too naive. It's a fatal flaw, it really is. Time and time again people took advantage of my kindness and I was left with only regrets to show for the experience. It had left me a somewhat jaded individual and I found myself feeling angry at the world for 'betraying me' on such a regular basis. I wanted my own shot at happiness, was that really too much to ask?

A year ago on Halloween I was approached by the most handsome man I had ever shared breathing space with, who offered to give me a second chance at life if I was prepared to "accept his demon". Every lesson about morality that my parents and my religion had instilled in me left my mind immediately and I was compelled to give in after only the slightest moment of hesitation. 

It turns out that "accepting the demon" was both one of the best and worst decisions I could ever have made. As we shook upon our deal, my body became rigid and began to reshape until it had taken on an identical form to that off the man before me. I did not transform alone though, as his handsome features gave way to something far more demonic and fear gripped at my heart as I realized the gravity of my choice.

For the better part of a year I was able to enjoy a gorgeous body, the likes of which I had only ever dreamed of previously, but for the past month or so things have been... weird. There are times when I seem to lose control of my body and I'm put to sleep in my own mind. I wake up with blood on my hands and sweating profusely, which is how no man should ever regain consciousness. I'm not sure what it is I do when I black out but I know it can't be anything good.

The closer it gets to Halloween, the more frequently I lose control and let the demon out. I already know in my gut that by the end of October the demon will be in full control and I'll have to live with whatever it uses my body to do. Hopefully once November comes around I'll be free of the demon for another year. If not... well, I might have to pass the demon on before things get too out of control, just as the host before me did!


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