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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay on this Friday Rec post. My personal life has been somewhat depressingly crazy over the past few weeks and I'm still trying to catch up. The light at the end of the tunnel so to speak has been the upcoming holiday though, as Halloween is one of my absolute favorite times of the year! In my rare moments of peace I've been settling down to watch horror movies and Halloween specials which has really got me in the mood for some spooky stories. Hopefully my creative muses will come back to me very soon so I can get something written for you guys.

I'm not the only blog that likes celebrating Halloween with a story or two so I've decided to gear my recommendations this month towards stories about costumes, candy and all things supernatural! 

Aging Time is one of my favorite transformation blogs and they've produced some great holiday stories over the years. It was tough to pick just a few but here are three of my favorites:

Do you have any particular Halloween favorites from Aging Time? Feel free to comment below with your own recommendations!


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