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Everybody knew that Aaron Marquis, a member of Rooster Teeth’s Live Action department and unarguably one of the more traditionally handsome men in the office, loved his bike. In fact he treated the motorcycle like his baby and how could he not? While he was hardly lacking in the masculinity department, it was a pleasant reminder of his own strength and privilege. Perhaps that was a little douchey on his behalf but he had worked hard to get where he was and he didn’t see anything wrong with a bit of self-confidence. In fact in his opinion more people could do with it.

One of those people who he deemed needing more self-confidence was his colleague Chris Demarais. They had been good friends for years but while Aaron has flourished in adulthood, Chris remained a dorky virginal man-child. It was through constant self-sabotaging that he rendered himself an easy target for bullies and easily dismissed by women. At times Aaron often wondered if his friend was jealous of him for simply being more of a man than him.

While he couldn't deny that he was awkward and not nearly as socially adept as some of the other guys in the Rooster Teeth offices, Chris thought he did pretty well for himself. He had his sense of humor to get by on at the very least and it hadn't failed him yet. Of course a day would always come when his luck ran out and this joke ended with rather disastrous results that directly affected Aaron.

During the process of filming a prank attempt video, Chris accidentally caused Aaron's precious motorcycle to get crushed under the wheels of an eighteen-wheeler truck. Chris had been so certain that the prank was risk-free and Aaron would end up finding it hilarious but now he knew he was most certainly doomed. The bike was totally wrecked and it would cost thousands to either get it repaired or replace it and Aaron would certainly never trust or even like him again for what he had done.

"I know how you can replace it," Burnie Burns, founding father of Rooster Teeth, pointed out. "Why don't you be his bike?" There it is again, that wacky Burnie humor.

Chris laughed and let out a long sigh. "At this point, I'd even accept that." He couldn't bare the thought of how angry and betrayed Aaron would look once he found out what Chris had done to his most prized possession.

"So is that a yes?" Burnie asked, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile. No doubt he had something planned that would get Chris into more trouble but he was so desperate that he wasn't sure what other option he actually had.

"Sure, I'll do it. I'll be his bike. If only it was that simple!"

While he was certainly left perplexed by the conversation, Chris instead chose to focus on his worry as he desperately tried to think of a realistic way to fix the situation. As he stepped out of the Rooster Teeth offices and onto the sidewalk though, he began to feel a strange sensation in his gut. It was like there was something instead of him, kicking at his midsection until he collapsed forward into the street on all fours.

Wheezing and writhing, Chris tried not to give into confusion and terror but found that it was a losing battle. His body was beginning to go rigid as he felt compelled to arch his back with his ass sticking out right towards the offices he had just left. Soon his wheezing turned into growls - growls that sounded distinctly like the roar of a bike engine. With his body totally rigid, Chris was unable to crane his neck to inspect what was happening to him but he knew it wasn't good. All he could hope was that one of his colleagues would step out of the building and be able to help him.

With every passing second though, being rescued felt not only like an impossibility but something he wasn't sure he wanted to happen anyway. There was a strange power building inside of him that was almost intoxicating in nature and, being too curious for his own good, he couldn't help but want to explore it more.

Chris' body shifted with every passing second, twisting into a shape that felt strangely comfortable. A voice in his mind told him how right this was, how he'd agreed to it and was getting what he deserved. Finally only one thought consumed his mind - I need somebody to ride me!

Burnie stepped out of the Rooster Teeth offices and smiled as he saw Ninja Kawasaki motorcycle parked out on the street, all shiny and new. Despite his former employer no longer having a voice, Burnie was confident that Chris loved it. Besides, he'd agreed to replace Aaron's bike with himself so it wasn't as if Burnie was acting against his wishes.

Aaron never thought anything of it. While he was disappointed to hear that Chris had 'chosen to leave' Rooster Teeth and have adventures elsewhere in the world, he wasn't exactly losing sleep over it. 

The most important thing was that nobody was around to mess with his bike because he was pretty sure it had only been a matter of time before Chris decided to prank him by stealing it. Now that nerd's grabby hands were a long way away and Aaron could enjoy his long rides on the big open roads in peace!


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