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Gavin Free

Gavin was more than a little confused when a brand new gym opened near the Rooster Teeth offices that shared a name with one of the founders of the company. Normally Gavin wouldn't pay attention to any new gym but the neon blue side reading "Burnie's Gym" caught his eye on his journey home and he found himself re-navigating to investigate. What were the chances that there would be another another Austin-local company run by a guy named Burnie?

Perhaps he'd even get a good story out of it to tell the rest of the guys back in the office the next day. Then again, a whole bunch of them had been off for the past few days with some new mystery bug - Gavin was still keeping his fingers crossed he wouldn't end up being the only bloke in work the next day!

The staircase leading from the entrance-way down into the gym was enough to cause a moment of hesitation but eventually Gavin convinced himself to suck it up and get down there. He was too damn curious for his own good and he knew it but there was something particularly attractive about the place and it wouldn't leave his mind until he got some answers.

As he stepped into the bunker-like gym though, Gavin was left with a whole host of new questions...

Burnie Burns

Burnie had been scouting out a venue not too far from the Rooster Teeth offices when his life took a dramatic turn in direction. The offices on the ground floor were nice but it was the bunker at the bottom of the stairs that interested him far more. The company would be able to dress it up as any number of sets for their live action productions and it was being sold off for damn cheap too. Hell, it was practically a steal.

The previous owners hadn't seemed to have left anything other than a box of protein bars in one of the store rooms. Upon opening the box, Burnie suddenly found himself feeling hungry and much to his delight they were still well within date. "Well, there can't be any harm," he muttered, unwrapping one and taking a bite. The taste that greeted him was more mouth-watering than any chocolate he'd ever had. It was beautiful.

Burnie continued to munch on the bar as he walked around the location once more, surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as dilapidated as it had seemed upon his first inspection. One entire wall of bunker was a long mirror and he couldn't help but think of a gym. Damn, I really should get back to the gym. It's been... too long. Months, if not years. He wasn't particularly proud of that.

By the time Burnie ascended the stairs back to the ground floor and logged onto his accounts to place an online bid on the location, he had become a new man. The softness around his mid-section had hastily retreated, to be replaced by clearly defined abdominals, while his chest broadened as two meaty pecs made their presence known. His shoulders widened and every mark or imperfection on his skin vanished. Even his smart black shirt had become a simple top, the sleeves of which lovingly hugged his strong arms while his slacks had become simple gym shorts that struggled around his powerful thighs.

The glasses that he had once relied on to see became designer shades that he had no second thoughts about taking off the moment he stepped back inside and retreated to his brand new property. He scratched at his beard and wondered why the hell it had taken him so long to check this place out. It was going to take some time but Burnie was pretty sure that soon he'd be running the most popular gym in all of Austin - his old life as one of Rooster Teeth's head honchos in the past and far out of mind.

Burnie Burns was a thirty-three year old single man whose only true love was his gym. If anybody was to even suggest to him that he'd made his fortune off of playing Halo on the Xbox he would laugh in their face. They clearly didn't know a damn thing about the kind of man he was!

Jeremy Dooley

Jeremy was always on a mission to better himself as his past as a high school and college gymnast remained in his mind. He hadn't been quite so dedicated to his fitness regime since leaving college and it showed, with a small ring of softness around his gut replacing his once clearly defined abs. To say he missed them was an understatement which was why he recently decided to get back into the gym and start to work out.

After being offered a free single day membership to the newly opened Burnie's Gym, Jeremy decided there was no harm from checking it out. It was pretty close to the Rooster Teeth offices after all so it was actually rather convenient. 

Unfortunately it didn't take him long to consider the gym to be a disappointed as it was clearly missing some key equipment and seemed mostly devoid other than an enthusiastic - and admittedly handsome - owner who, rather amusingly, shared a name with Jeremy's own boss. Too polite for his own good, Jeremy was suckered into completing a workout at the gym at the owner's request and even accepted the protein bar that was offered to him in a friendly gesture.

The protein bar did more than simply repair his muscles after an admittedly lackluster workout though - in fact it replenished them with more power than he had felt in his life and forced his workout clothes to strain against his newly muscular frame. The expansion of his body took him from a short five-foot-four to an impressive six-three and his jaw took on a squarer formation as he became a new man, just as his boss had before him. Everything about him became broad and powerful and anybody admiring him - which was easy to do when there was a whole lot of man on offer - might correctly predict that he'd been raised and bred in the armed forces. 

Jeremy Dooley could no longer remember being a lifelong gamer or fan-turned-employee of Rooster Teeth. With his newly discovered past as a marine behind him, he had settled down in Austinn after a move down from Boston and was now the resident security guard at Burnie's Gym. The one thing his time as a marine hadn't beat out of him was his arrogance and he sure wasn't shy about showing off his impressive body by working out shirtless or intimidating the weedy men who thought they were tough shit. 

Nobody in the gym, no matter how big,wanted to pick a fight with Jeremy and he couldn't blame them - but hell, he'd like to see them try!

Trevor Collins

While it wasn't something he'd ever admit out loud, Trevor was somewhat jealous of the guys he worked with. They were all nerds and had been for most of their lives, but quite a few of them had worked on their bodies and were toned as hell. Nobody would ever label them as nerds and yet here Trevor was, as lanky as he had been back at fourteen. He desperately wanted to change that, which was why he eagerly signed up for Burnie's Gym upon being assured by a promoter that it was the cheapest place in Austin to get a session with a Personal Trainer.

Doing his best to squash any nerves he felt as he descended the staircase into the bunker-like gym, Trevor tried not to focus on the number of well-muscled men that seemed to be gathered around... a surprising lack of gym machines. Even somebody like him who was a foreigner to such places could notice that. Still, it was cheap so he supposed he couldn't complain.

"You're here for the Personal Trainer, right?" the owner asked, flashing him a brilliant smile and leaving Trevor temporarily stunned. "Here, take a bar. Free for every warm body through the door." A protein bar was slid across the counter and Trevor lifted it up to inspect it for a moment. "Changing rooms are in the back. Have a bit, get changed and then I'll show you around. Does that sound good?"

Nodding meekly, Trevor hastily unwrapped the protein bar and took a bite. A moan threatened to escape his lips as he was greeted by the delightful taste of strawberries and his body flushed with heat. Escaping to the changing room before he could embarrass himself further, Trevor continued to hope that he wasn't on the road to total humiliation. This had to all lead to something good, right?

As he unpacked his gym bag, Trevor was mortified to find that he had apparently forgotten to pack a workout shirt. Hurriedly pulling the shirts on, he stared at his slender reflection in the mirror and sighed. Despite knowing there was a small herd of fangirls (and fanboys) out there who thought he was good looking, Trevor never truly felt happy with his looks. This was supposed to be the first step towards changing that and yet he was clearly unprepared - and perhaps undeserving.

As he stepped out into the gym area though, all of Trevor's self-sabotaging thoughts were eliminated as he was replaced by a far more confident man. Rippling muscles gave him something to show off, so why would he ever bother with a shirt in the gym anyway? It was motivation for everybody else to match his game and what kind of Personal Trainer would he be if he wasn't motivating his clients?

Giving Burnie a fist bump as he passed, Trevor could only smirk as he saw the lanky college kid that would be his first job of the day. Everything he had known about gaming or his own college education drained from his mind, replaced by years of memories giving him an expert's opinion on every machine in the gym and type of workout a weed like this kid could give a go to try and get some meat on those bones.

There were no promises but hey, at least Trevor knew his services would stay popular either way. Who wouldn't want to have this stud coaching them to fitness success?

James Willems

As the resident muscular stud of the Funhaus offices, James was no stranger to working out. He all but lived in the gym that was a road away from their offices but that was all the way back in LA and with Funhaus visiting their parent company Rooster Teeth down in Austin TX he had to find somewhere else to work out, which was how he found himself at Burnie's Gym in the first place.

"Where's the squat rack?" he asked the gym manager upon exiting the changing room, dressed up and ready to push himself to the limit in a grueling workout. Much to his dismay though, he couldn't seem to locate his favorite piece of equipment. Was there another room with more equipment or something?

"Oh, it'll go over there," the owner - how many people named Burnie were there in Austin anyway? - announced, pointing over to an empty area in front of the mirrors. "Hey, you want a protein bar? To make up for the lack of squat rack."

Saying no felt rude, so James accepted the gift and instinctively began to chew down on it as he ventured around the gym, doing as much as he could with the limited machines on offer. At least he didn't require anything other than the mats to get a circuit working on his core in.

As he passed over the empty space that the squat rack would go, James suddenly felt himself stiffen up. His legs were rooted tot he ground and he was stunned to find that he could no longer move. His attempts to cry out in confusion only produced silence as a chill spread throughout his body. He felt like he was being stretched in a number of directions and it certainly wasn't natural.

Moments later and Funhaus' resident pretty boy James Willems was no longer a member of Burnie's Gym but instead one of its larger pieces of equipment - the squat rack he had been hoping to see upon his entry. At least nobody else would complain that they didn't have anywhere to squat their own bodyweight in the future.

Kyle Taylor

"You don't even have more than one running machine?" Kyle asked scoldingly, staring at the gym manager in disbelief. Sure, Burnie's Gym offered cheap monthly rates but even they were a complete rip-off. The place was void of the most simple equipment! He felt cheated for even stepping foot in the establishment, despite having been gifted a free day pass by a promoter hanging around outside the offices of Rooster Teeth's animation department.

"We will," gym-owner Burnie replied, "We have an order in already, actually." The dazzling smile of the muscular man was enough to make Kyle pause for a moment. It was strange but there was almost something hypnotic about his presence - on top of the strange familiarity Kyle felt towards him, although he was dismissing that as simply being because he happened to share a name with Rooster Teeth's head honcho.

Although Kyle's instinct was to leave and find somewhere better to work out, he was quickly convinced to stay by the owner and was even gifted with a free protein bar to make up for the lack of equipment. Although it was certainly something to grumble about, Kyle accepted the bar and was pleasantly surprised at just how nice it tasted. Normally they tasted like ass - not that he'd know what ass tasted like...

Opting to warm up with some stretches on the mats, Kyle's goal was to start up on the running machine as he usually did on his workouts. Much to his frustration though, the only running machine was currently occupied by a menacing looking older man with a bald had and square jaw. He certainly wasn't the type of guy Kyle wanted to piss off by asking if he was almost done, that was for sure.

Content to wait patiently, the dark-haired stud instead opted to jog on the empty spot next to the single running machine. He figured it was as polite a way to hint to the man that he wanted to use the machine as any. Once he'd started though, Kyle felt like he couldn't stop. Even though he remained rooted to the spot he couldn't stop himself from increasing his speed until he was sprinting.

With his body hot and chest heaving, Kyle was surprised by a strange humming sound that seemed to come from inside of him and yet the thought of stopping his run seemed terrible. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so peaceful as he did in that moment, his initial frustration at how empty the gym was quickly subsiding.

When feet finally pressed down on his back minutes later and continued to run with him, Kyle was delighted. He was only partially aware of the fact his body had changed - evolved, perhaps - since beginning his fateful jog and now he had become the very machine he had complained was missing from the gym. 

At the very least he was happy he got regular use - it wasn't long before some of his buddies in RT's Animation department joined him either. Kyle was still as popular in the gym as he had been in his human form, only it was for a whole different reason this time!

Tyler Coe

"Damn, this tastes good. Is that raspberry?" Tyler asked the gym manager while still munching on the protein bar he'd been given upon entry. "Seriously, are you sure this is a normal protein bar? I've never tasted anything like this before!"

Burnie smiled back at him and nodded. "There's more available for anybody who signs up for a full membership," he explained, fingers tracing along the box of protein bars he kept behind the desk. They had turned out to be far more efficient in getting his business up and running than he'd even realized but he wasn't quite done yet.

"I'd happily stay here forever if I got more of those," Tyler moaned in delight, "Where do I sign up?" He was quick to prove that he was a man of his word, completing the sign-up form without any idea of the mischievous glint in Burnie's eyes as he handed another protein bar.

Pretty soon Tyler got his wish - not for more protein bars, but to stay in the gym forever. As he prepared himself in the changing rooms, he began to feel lightheaded and took a seat on one of the benches. Resting his head on the wall for a moment, he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath as darkness overwhelmed him.

The next thing he knew, he was being grabbed from above. Any attempt to flail out of the impressively strong grip or even cry out failed completely and moments later Tyler experienced the sensation of being filled for the first time. He had no idea what had happened to him until he was walked in front of the gym's floor-to-ceiling mirrors. Every step felt like an orgasm and Tyler could hardly think straight, suddenly obsessed with the filling sensation that had overcome his body in the past several minutes.

By the time he realized that he was living from the point of view of a man's black and blue gym sneakers, Tyler hardly even cared about losing his humanity. Nothing in his life had ever felt as good as this and as long as his owner made sure to wear him then he wouldn't have a single regret!

Michael Jones

Michael had been looking to better himself for years now. Back in high school he'd been one of the punks and not really given a fuck what he looked like. Now he was an adult and a father nearing the age of thirty so he felt like he needed to keep on top of his body so he could add yet another achievement to his list of things to be proud of.

While he already had an active gym membership and could even afford to meet with a personal trainer every week thanks to the comfortable payment he got from working as talent in Rooster Teeth's gaming division Achievement Hunter, the neon blue sign of Burnie's Gym was simply too alluring for him to resist and he found himself wandering down the stone steps and into the bunker.

Much to his disappointment, the gym was rather sparse. There were a handful of machines but everything else seemed to be missing - including the majority of dumbbells on the rack. Michael had to hide his laugh at the disaster that he had walked into, although that bemusement quickly died down when he found himself face to face with the manager.

Needless to say this Burnie was nothing like their Burnie. Sure, he looked a little similar but he was older and undeniably more muscular. He probably had some kind of weightlifting background if Michael was to guess and he radiated power the same way his old high school coach had. Even as a grown man with more than enough meat on his bones, Michael felt strangely nervous in his presence.

Upon being offered a free protein bar to make up for the disappointing services on offer, Michael felt inclined to take it up. He had to admit that it tasted pretty damn good too and his frustration subsided as he settled in to work out in the gym, moving from the running machines to the squat rack and beyond.

Eventually he ended up in front of the empty dumbbell racks and sighed. He was still a little disappointed at their absence - he'd hoped to get some hammer curls and vertical raises in - but he supposed that they'd make an appearance in time.

A sudden exhaustion washed throughout Michael's body and the intense heaviness that came with it made him drop to the ground with a loud thud. What followed was something that could only be described as the most restful sleep of the Jersey-born man's life, and he didn't awaken until he felt large hands clasping him around his waist.

Well, the hands were around what was once his waist - now it was the metal bar between the weighted ends of the dumbbells, as the protein bar had changed his physiology until he became a pair of 60kg dumbbells, ready and willing to be used. He wasn't the only one to befall such a fate either, the rack was now full with a variety of weights and every single one of them was desperate to be used.

Gavin Free

The hospitality at the gym was like no other. Despite his naivety when it came to any sort of exercise, Gavin felt right at home in the bunker and talking to the other men was surprisingly easy, as if they were all long-time friends. That was silly though because despite having familiar names, there was no way these muscle-bound studs had anything in common with his work friends!

Having curiously accepted the protein bar when it was offered to him by Burnie - a much more traditionally handsome and charming Burnie than Rooster Teeth's own - Gavin was greeted with another surprise by the delightful taste of cherries. He wolfed the rest of the bar down as Trevor the personal trainer showed him around the gym, pointing out a number of areas he could potentially make use of, such as the running machines or the squat rack or even the fully-stocked dumbbell racks.

Not having the heart to tell Trevor - again, nothing like the Trevor that he knew from the Achievement Hunter offices - that he wasn't exactly equipped for a workout and it was only his curiosity that had led him down that staircase, Gavin quickly became putty in his hands and was ushered into the changing rooms.

Much to his surprise, he found a pair of plain black shorts and some black-and-blue sneakers waiting on the bench for him. His momentary confusion was overwritten by an intense desire to put them on and start working out like he never had before. Gavin had never been the type to care about muscle but suddenly his brain was overwhelmed by thoughts of 'getting his pump on' and 'flexing his guns'.

Unsurprisingly both the shorts and the shoes were a slightly large fit, but he supposed they would have to do. It wasn't like he had much else going for him and he wasn't daft enough to try and work out in his own clothes.

As he stepped out of the changing room though, Gavin's body underwent a rapid transformation that caused him to stumble in the doorway and steady himself on the frame. His body grew several inches in height while his muscle mass rapidly increased, taking him from a skinny 'otter' to an undeniable hunk with a chest full of hair. His biceps bulged to their very limits as he instinctively flexed and let out a deep-voiced grunt of approval. Every muscle of his body was trained to near-perfection and Gavin realized in surprise that not only did he know the benefits of certain exercises but he could remember every workout that had taken him from a skinny American kid to this strapping young hunk.

Wait, American? That's not... not... why the fuck would I be British? The very concept seemed suddenly bizarre to Gavin as the memories of growing up in a small British town left his mind and were replaced by a long life as an Austin native with a traditional cowboy-style drawl. 

While he struggled with mixed up thoughts, the transformation washed over Gavin's face and blessed him with a strong jaw, among other things. Even the large nose that had earned him teasing remarks for most of his life straightened itself out, suiting his more traditionally masculine facial features perfectly. He would be totally unrecognizable to fans of both Rooster Teeth and the Slow Mo Guys but that hardly mattered to him anymore. He was an athlete and all he wanted to be known for was being the best and having one the most enviable bodies in all of Austin.

Video games were a thing of the past for Gavin, just as they were for the other men of Rooster Teeth who had found themselves down in Burnie's Gym. The only games they played were seeing who could lift the most, run the fastest and endure for the longest time. As the latest member of the gym, Gavin definitely had something to prove and he wasn't afraid to let everybody know that there was another alpha in the room and he wasn't going to be leaving any time soon!


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