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Today's Friday Rec is a little unique as it's two stories featured from two different perspectives, both written by Bill Rowan and released in 2013 on the Male Transformation Blog. The stories in question:

"All In The Math - James" by Bill Rowan 

"All In The Math - Tony" by Bill Rowan 

Considering how many body swap stories there are out there in the transformation community - even on my own blog - I'm actually a little surprised there aren't many stories featuring two opposing point of views. I know it's something Young Trevor does relatively regularly but it's something I may have to think about using more in the future.

"All in the Math" is a relatively straightforward classic body swap between two high school students on opposing ends of the popularity spectrum. Body swaps between jocks and nerds have long been some of my favorites and the dual perspectives gave it a refreshing feeling at the time. Even five years later it's still a fun read today!

What do you think of stories with dual perspectives? Feel free to drop a comment below with your thoughts on the story!


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