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Hey sweet insomniacs and tingle lovers, 

I hope you're all great. July was a very busy month, maybe the busiest since I started my channel. I have hardly posted anything about this, but some of you may have seen that I was in Paris. Yes, Paris! For the very first time in my life. 

Now, what can I say about Paris, which has not been said a thousand times. The city is just fabulous. Although I was able to admire some of the city's attractions, I was not there to amuse myself. I had to work. 

A few weeks ago a very well-known French company had contacted me and asked for a collaboration. In fact, this company is so well known and respected that I had to say yes, I had no other choice. I cannot yet reveal what it actually is, but you will see it in September on my channel.

Anyway, it was a great and elaborate production with a multi-day shoot. I was surrounded by french cameramen, directors, producers, sound engineers and stylists. And in the center of attention, me. The German whisper guy. It was so surreal and very exciting. 

Oh, by the way: I met PARIS ASMR, aka Flo at the Louvre on my last day. He's a cool dude, we might do a project together in the future. 

I had to travel to Paris twice. Besides the actual shooting there was a lot to plan and discuss. Between my stays I always tried to work on my videos. However, I have imposed myself a very elaborate project with the funky pop video so that unfortunately I posted relatively little in July. 

In the meantime, my channel also reached 500k subscribers. I cannot put into words how happy and thankful I am. I especially have to thank you, my lovely patrons. Many of you supported me already when my channel was very small and that really helped me a lot. Thanks a million, I really really appreciate it! 

I already hinted at it in the funky pop video. I want to make my Patreon more attractive for you guys. That's why I plan to restructure the pledges a bit. I'll let you know as soon as possible what will change. Stay tuned.

Finally, I want to inform you that I am currently working on my new video. The theme will be ' Zen ' and it's a lot of fun for me. 

A thousand hugs. See you soon! 



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