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DECOY 群青の魔女 By Steneko Laboratory



Far in the future, On a certain island, beings called "witches'' used magical powers to help the people of the town.

You come out of nowhere, and change everything...



Ok, I'm now 99.9% convinced that there's a secret group of about 100 devs and artists that keep disbanding and reforming their studios, because I can no longer find any reasonable answer anymore to how often these insane quality bombs keep dropping as first releases.

So literally out of nowhere (again) another sick title got released.
How sick? think back when was the last time we've ever had a full screen CG animation since SUMMER - Countryside Sex Life? You could make an argument for Kanede, but I wouldn't quite call it the same. (10/10 titles by the way, you have better played them!)

It's been exactly a week since DECOY have been released, and it already hit 10,000 sales on DLsite, easily making it the top #1 selling game in the whole site within that timeframe.
So naturally I had to see what the hype was about, and as you can imagine, seeing both Action AND pixel art was an instant no brainer for me to dive in.

Now, I'd like to say straight out that even with all the praises, this game is not what I'd consider a masterpiece. While all games have their flaws, I generally overlook some of them as long as the game's integrity as an H game and gameplay are delivered well enough.

DECOY is a 2D action platformer, set in a city so far ahead in the future, that it has ancient ruins filled with high-tech at its outskirts.
You're some mysterious guy that appeared out of nowhere, and instantly greeted by Majoko - the local witch, whom without hesitation vacuums your seed, as I've always expected from the future's welcoming customs.

Majoko is in fact collecting semen (yours specifically) for her research, which in turn will help to further unveil the islands secrets.
After clearing the game I can safely say without a doubt that this is the most powerful cum I've seen in a porn game.
She literally creates gadgets powered by the white sauce, and I love it.

After setting off on your way, you'll interact with the islands residents, whom 99% are conveniently females. So you can already imagine the thirst running rampart in the streets..

The local engineer will send you on your first quest to find her sister "Mole".
This is where the actual game begins, where you'll explore the ruins, find loot, fight enemies and the bosses at the back of every dungeon.

🕹️ Now, this is when things become a little mixed...
H content wise, this game is a total banger!! which I'll further touch soon.
Gameplay however leaves more to be desired, and I mean it in the full sense of it, where the foundation for a great experience with skills, gear, and combat is there, but it all feels a bit clunky and basic.

Most common example is fighting enemies with your lantern that shoot light orbs.
I wouldn't mind the ranged focused combat if it didn't mean standing still and watching paint dry-- I mean die.
You later get a bomb skill (costs SP) that deals about x30 the damage of a single light orb, which makes your basic attack completely useless with the cheap SP recovery items.
So now you kill enemies fast, but the game have become too easy.

Look, I cannot ignore the attempt to make a fully functional game with porn in it.
There was clearly a lot of effort put into developing a whole system, but even a the most simple gameplay can be hella fun when it's practical and engaging.

It doesn't help that the H content is completely separate from the action part of the game.
You need to select each scene from the relevant NPC to initiate it, and only if you have your "cum charges" available. Ran out? then just head to the local checkpoint to replenish them for free.
Again, another extra meaningless anti-fun step because of reasons.

I'm often not overly-critical in my reviews, and the reason for that is because I know exactly what to expect from these kind of games.
Small studios, low budget, always a gamble when trying to add extra gameplay steps to reap the rewards, especially in a scene where it's harder to find experienced people to test your project with a good game sense for entertainment evaluation.

Which is why I felt that DECOY has such a huge potential to become an absolute masterpiece, even with the current system, but with some much needed tweaks.

By the time I reached the credits it was very clear to me that the big sales numbers were based on the STUNNING pixel art, and probably the premise of yet another fun action platformer to sink our teeth into.
All the reviews are between 4.5 to 5 stars, and I get that, but they mainly address the pixel art and the voice acting, that are indeed flawless.

If I wanted to recommend you good porn, I'd just drop a bunch of links to watch the scenes and move on with your life, but that's not what we're here for.

💕 Speaking of said H scenes, you're in for probably one of the best pixel art, or rather overall H  experiences you'll get to play in 2024.
In a complete 180 twist, this phenomenal H quality is the kind you'd want to record and stash in a folder for later studies.

There are three types of scenes:
- In-game pixel models animations.
- Full screen pixel animation.
- Full screen static CGs.

All scenes are voiced and dialogued. The pixel art quality gives strong vibes of SUMMER Countryside, which is a very high praise. Just like in summer, here you can also control the pacing of each scene and animation with an intensity, quit, and skip buttons.
Only the CGs cannot be rewound for obvious reasons, but can be watched again from any point in the game via the designated menu tab.

In all honesty, this game is well worth buying just for the H content alone.
While I wouldn't recommend it for its gameplay, it is still serviceable, and does add another depth to the experience.

There is so much H content though, my goodness.
My basic clear that involved exhausting everyone's dialogues still had me at about 50% gallery. So at the very least they got the exploration part right, and even with all the criticism, I'm still eager to jump back in and keep exploring for the missing content.

DECOY isn't a good porn game. It's an AMAZING porn database with a game in it.
As long as you set your expectations right, you'll have a blast (hopefully more than one...)


👉 DECOY 群青の魔女 is available on DLsite.

❤️ For relevant H content of this title you may contact me in DM for referrals.



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