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I swear it wasn't planned! but reaching this HUGE milestone on new year's eve is somewhat symbolic for me, which I couldn't have achieved at all without your incredible support! 🙇

What else was INCREDIBLE was this year for both mainstream and H-gaming!!

Being such a significant post, following the precedence of post #100 - I'd like to put together the BEST OF THE BEST titles I've covered since post #101.
This blog has tons and tons of content to explore, that anyone can easily overlook some great projects.

Now, clearly this is all going to be just my own opinion on what I consider "the best".
Every title and artist that I cover are here because I truly believe they stand above the crowd of mediocrity that is so common in the H scene.

However, even among gems some do shine brighter, so without further ado, lets highlight the top games for each category:

⭐ Best Action Platformer: FlipWitch - Forbidden Sex Hex ♂️♀

Gotta hand it to Critical Bliss, the Devolver parallel of H games publisher. They have proven again and again that they only go balls deep with studios who pour their SOUL into their projects.

Color code flip games aren't new, but the seamless transition between the protagonist's sexes in a way that actively affects both gameplay and opens up different H interactions paths was done so well, that one has to wonder how nobody thought about such a simple yet brilliant idea?

Usually when you play a "you wouldn't believe it's porn" game it often pays the price of less organic H content, because it often focuses more at the gameplay aspect, which leaves H in 2nd place.

In FlipWitch almost every screen has something lewd in it, and the plethora of quests constantly deliver high quality sex scenes with the world residents.
Everything is drawn in gorgeous pixel art in a very elaborated metroidvania that can easily stand shoulder to shoulder among its non-H counterparts.

Easily my most favorite game this year. Cannot recommend it enough! ⭐⭐⭐

Best Simulation Game: Self Defense Dojo : Secret NTR Lesson 🥋

I mean, that is a straight up one of the most original concepts for an NTR game I've EVER seen!
Who would've guessed the high smash potential of married women in a Judo dojo of all places?

The wacky concept is an instant tell for a comical game that takes cheating on your partner to new heights of unbelievable scenarios, where apparently all men are always exhausted that they become completely ignorant to their partners getting pounded from point blank.

The MC Kouta is a straight up lecher that won't miss an opporunity to touch, grab, and harass until he gets what he wants. All females that come into contact with him are sick and tired of their boring ass partners that can barely even get it up, and who else is better to inject them with sticky life happiness than our charitable lad?

With an amazing and unique artstyle in both CG and animations, fun little minigames, and funny dialogues (official English!), NTR dojo easily sets itself apart from the typical asshole chad trope that is most common in these kind of titles.
It's fine to go with the latter, but when devs go for that extra mile to make something different that WORKS, then you gotta give props.

Loved every second, and so will you. An absolute must-play!! 💯

Best RPG: Glory & Miserable Survivors DX ⚔️

AKA "Great Senka" until the official English translation on Steam.
Not the first or the last, but probably the BEST H Vampire Survivors clone to exist to this date.

Although it's not quite the clone either, since you're facing hordes that try to break through your defense horizontally from one side of the screen to the other.

It is safe to say that RPGs are the most common releases in the scene, and to be fair most aren't ARPGs like this one.
However, I do believe that by taking into account player engagement, art quality, and reply value (no, coming back for the gallery doesn't count), then G&MS can easily make anyone lose a sense of time, while rewarding very high quality pixel art scenes from the one and only Takorin (namako).

Good art is super important in H games, but at the end of the day you buy a game to PLAY it, so in return you expect it to stimulate you in more ways than one.

With a wide variety of characters that each offers a completely unique playstyle, a good number of different stages that range in difficulty, and of course the plentiful randomized items and artifacts to choose from - makes G&MS a game that even a religious person will play on their main Steam account.

Great Senka deliver Great fun in stocks, for a Great price too! A total steal. 👌

Best Visual Novel: My Pig Princess 🐷

I know I know... you can probably count on one hand all of the VN reviews in the last 99 posts.
BUT (!!!) in my defense, that is precisely because I only care for the realll special ones.

Did I say a moment ago that RPGs are most common? scratch that, because almost the only genre you could find back in the day were Visual Novels. Hell, even I grew up on them for year, so imagine my excitement when I found some shitty H game where you can actually move around and do something else that isn't left click!

You gotta convince me with an astronomical amount of soul to read more than 10 lines in a VN.
Well, My Pig Princess has just that, and then some.
My god, can we first stop for a sec and show huge appreciation to the HAND-DRAWN art?
Like, who even does that nowadays?

So Hand drawn is already a huge tell that you're diving into something extraordinary, and then you find yourself in a very humorous story about a pig princess that want to experience the seed of man. Y'know, a real human man, not a pretense for male. Which is seemingly a rare resource in the kingdom.

The story is admittedly kinetic, meaning there are no branching paths that change the final outcome of the story (yet). However, that doesn't substract at all from the relaxing and fun experience the story, the art, the music and atmosphere being delivered in a genuine immersive and gorgeous way.

Even if you're not into furries, even if you're not the biggest fan of reading, you will still be missing out on one of the BEST visual novels that have surfaced in the recent years.

Best Adventure Game: The Forest of Love 🦊

The furries just cannot stop winning, and bring us a criminally wholesome adventure of Rascal - a young Racoon that happened to find himself in a mysterious forest full of horny critters of all sizes.

Besides the CGs, you simply cannot tell that its an H game.
This means that the adventure side of the game - exploring, interacting and building relationships is put at highest priority.

The game splits into the cheerful day-to-day interactions, and its naughty side where the animals find a secluded spot to better familiarize themselves with the circle of life.

The entire game is drawn in beautiful pixel art, mixed with a bit of retro style that kinda reminds of adventure pixel games from the 90's. Every character is fleshed out, so you actually get to know them and make each sexual interaction a lot more impactful.

Our boy Rascal is a HUNG little fucker, while he's well-equipped to handle the larger animals, there are some interesting interactions with the smaller ones. Yeah, I'm talking about the mouse.

How can a monster cock racoon smash a mouse you ask? well, you know what to do...

Best Rhythm Game: Rhythm Paradise 🎵

YES, there were surprisingly good number of Rhythm titles through the past 1.5 years!!

However, only one take the pedestal in my eyes, and that is Rhythm Paradise, the game that parodies to perfection the source non-H material with the same name.

It is a much smaller game than the OG, but full of kinky little sexy nuggets of joy.
Each game is themed with a different kink: sperm bullseye, boob factory sorting, cleaning genitals, sexy news, gym motivation and more..

Being full of original ideas, it also manages to maintain its integrity as a rhythm game with the familiar tap on sound cue gameplay. Perfect performance will unlock special scenes and customizations.

But the biggest appeal is without a doubt the 1:1 art style imitation of the source material.
It really does feel like you're playing a dark side version of Rhythm Heaven, and not some off-brand production.

Rhythm Paradise is as sexy as it is entertaining. Easily a top pick even without the sexy bits.

⭐ Best minigame: Elf Girl Pinball 🕹️

What does this category even mean?
You know all those small games that require one or two buttons and something happens that brings you closer to the "big" reward? yeah, these kind of games.

Not in my wildest dreams I ever thought I'd end up choosing a lewd pinball game as a top H title, and yet here we are, recommending a game that I'm too ashamed to admit how many hours I've put in such a simple concept.

As simple as it may be, it fucking works.

The pinball board has two sides that are each occupied by a different girl.
Hit the bonuses and the girl juicy assets to strip them, make them climax, and earn points to unlock scenes and customizations at the main hub.

You know what? even if all the game offered was the classic arcade with a horny twist, I'd still make the same pick, but we do in fact get HUGE STUNNING CG animations that honestly rival even bigger productions in terms of quality.

The latest update also added more scenes with the girls stuck in the board, and not just the shopkeeper. 

To this date you will not find better bang for buck two button game. Simple, fun, and to the point.


Whew, that should cover all of the genres that I usually post here. (that don't have one or two titles)

But there is one final shoutout I must give to the absolute legendary artists that bless us with incredible content to wash our eyes with. If you're looking for straight up quality H content without having to "work for it", then make sure to check 'em out:

- Takorin / Namako: The undisputed pixel Touhou overlord.
- Kamuo: Toei Animation tier animator of popular characters. Has MASSIVE following.
- Todohagane: Incredible Pixel mock-up artist and a personal inspiration. Animations focused.
- Yumurama: As a commentator said: "The Michaelangelo of Pixel art". (CG & Animations)
- L_Buffer: Biggest, juiciest ass and tiddies in the wild west. Diselmine's lead artist / animator.
- Minus8: Needs no introduction to 99.9% of people. But mentioned here for the 0.01%.
- Doxy: You name it, they draw it. Lots of oversized bubbly (and girthy) assets, in good taste.
- TwistedGrim: Top grade animator of popular fictional characters. Extremely high standards.
- Proportion Obake: High quality pixel art of Pokemon and Hero Academia. Also sells OC galleries.
- James Cabello: Super talented, but very underrated pixel animator. TONS of content!
- Racoon Potasara: Mainly Azur lane pixel artist of CGs and Animations. Been posting less lately.
- Dim Pixel Animations: Dedicated animator that releases content frequently. Pregnancy lovers only!


That's all folks!

I hope you had an incredible year!! I sure did.
Lots of positive changes in life, but I keep reminding myself to never take any of it for granted.

Always enjoy the moment, remember what's important in life, and be good to others, because karma is a bitch.

Do all of the above, and your chances of a good year will significantly increase.

Lets wish for 2024 to be better than the past 2023 years!! 🎉🎉

❤️ For relevant H content of any of the content mentioned, you may contact me in DM for referrals.



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