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Three years of SPG! Thank you so much for being a part of this Journey!

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. My answers will be in the upcoming "Annieversary" video!




Your work is super important and you do a great job shedding light on a topic most would avoid like whatever destroyed the Minoans.


Happy anniversary! I just discovered SPG a few weeks ago. I'd been watched something talking about the game awards and YouTube suggested your 2023 Adult Game of the Year Awards as a related video. Very glad I clicked on it. I've been gradually making my way through your videos since then. Question: How tired are you of saying the phrase "this is a mostly male heterosexual harem experience"? More serious question: How do you choose which games to review?


Gz on the three years, hope to see you still going in another three. I have a few questions, pick whichever you like. 1. What is the end goal of your channel/work? Would you still continue whenever your goal is reached? 2. If sex in games is seen as normal by the general audience, do you expect big platforms that host gaming videos and streams(youtube and twittch) to be more accepting of adult games without censorship? 3. Do you think the general trend towards acceptance of sex in video games(and other media) is going up or down in the western world? 4. Do you think that the adult games space will stay mostly occupied by smaller teams and solo devs? or would there come a point where most of the market is dominated by larger studios? 5. Would adult gaming on consoles ever be a thing? What would it take for this to be a thing? 6. Do you see a major established mainstream publisher(like EA or Ubisoft) or studio ever trying out a full triple A adult game?(Not a game with some adult content, but a game fully focused on it) 7. Do you believe there will come a time where an adult visual novel is no longer enough to become popular in the adult gaming space and instead there will be more of a focus on adult games with gameplay in them?(for example and RTS, platformer or roguelike)


Happy Anniversary! I'm late to the party but love every update!