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Podcast news, 3rd anniversary of SPG, and the Year of the Dragon!

Here is the updates sponsorship policy for those interested:

Sex Positive Gaming (SPG) does not accept keys or private builds of games from Developers

If a developer or their proxy (the developer) wishes for SPG to do a sponsored video (or other content) SPG has the following requirements:

  • SPG will not accept payment in any form.
  • SPG requires that an agreed-upon sum be donated directly from the developer to an agreed-upon charity. SPG will not facilitate the donation. The developer will provide documentation of the donation to SPG.
  • SPG will disclose the developer's and SPG's partnership in all forms of content created. For example, SPG will discuss the developer’s donation in the video. All applicable US laws will be followed.
  • Additionally, SPG will invite viewers to donate to the agreed-upon charity in the video.
  • While the developer’s input is welcome, SPG will maintain creative control of the final product.



Eric Schmitt

i wouldn't think less of you if you did accept keys or private builds or sponsorships but i really respect your policy.

A Murder of Crows

You know, I think that the policy shows some real integrity. At the same time, I think accepting keys is fine, especially for indie titles and developers, so long as you have the policy up front and agreed to electronically signed prior to a key being sent. Of course, the way you have it now maintains your integrity regardless and there's no worry or room for ambiguity so I understand the appeal. I just think that having access sooner to do proper reviews could help new and small developers get constructive feedback prior to release, and also make it easier for smaller devs to get reviews in without putting out too much cost. And if course, you'd get easier access sooner, and with less cost out of pocket, allowing your funds to go to other places. $0.02 obviously