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Sorry I'm late!




So I make it a point to never cover games that use real life actors. This is for a couple of reasons: - Real life actors rarely give permission for their likenesses to be used in games - Real life actors don't always give informed consent in the making of adult content source material That is the biggest problem with studies involving real life sex work. It is not clear if the workers are actually giving informed consent. That is a huge confound that I am not going to even try to untangle.

The Magical Gurl

Never feel you cant talk about something because you dont have a paper claiming your expertise on it. If you do research and make an educated argument like you did, that's better than whatever a knucklehead with a degree says because their degree claims their "expertise"...

Brian Thompson

I understand... I wouldn't expect a comment but the existencal crisis and the presence, to a minimal amount, in some of the adult games is why I crossed that line... Going from being raised Christian, living with a Swami in college[genuinely seeking my own mythical/mystical journey], to being an atheist [determinist]... Everything interests me.