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It is obvious that an immense amount of effort went into certain things. Like how detailed all of the items are. I’m not sure we need a painstakingly crafted 3d model of every pen and package of synthetic meat, but you do you Todd. However my concern is that it seems that many decisions were made without real thought put into them.



Starfield is a Confused Mess!

It is obvious that an immense amount of effort went into certain things. My concern is that it seems that many decisions were made without real thought put into them. All links can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88988548 ----- Patreon and all mentioned content https://www.patreon.com/sexpositivegaming Steam Curator Page https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41771186/ GOG Partner Page https://af.gog.com/partner/SexPositiveGaming?as=1726437664 -----


Ariane Barnes

I didn't pay to get the game a week early, but somehow I logged 40 hours in 3 days. It's fun. Still there isn't an item of your review I don't disagree with. I just see it from a game designer point of view and decided most of these weird story anomalies aren't all that important. I think the biggest negative might be the lack of actual negativity. We seem to have "corporate world", "frontier world", and "cyberpunk world" all of which have nearly identical origins and history with no actual underlying philosophy to support their existence. The bad guys are bad for bad's sake, because there needs to be some badness. Cyberpunk 2077 at least has philosophy, this just has aesthetic environments.


I was going to talk about "The Neo-Liberalism of Starfield" and all of the gaslighting that takes place, but I thought that would be too political. I just wonder why time and energy was spent by developers making mechanics and lore that was just going to be unfinished or poorly executed.

The Magical Gurl

True on alot of these points you made in this one. This makes No Mans Sky seem the smarter investment to buy.


I have to wonder how many of the points you bring up the game eventually address in various different quest lines. The one you brought up that stood out to me the most was the Terrormorph story thread. And they do discuss it, There is about an 6-8 hour questline dedicated just to figuring out almost all the questions you asked about it, and how to stop it from being a problem in the future. And it was entertaining and challenging as well. If you are curious, Join the United Colonies military. I don't know if they talk about how the different religions came about and where the old ones went, but I haven't attempted to join a religion in starfield either. I do concur, that some of the world building seems bland, mostly to avoid controversy in order to sell more games. This is mostly true when it comes to referencing what happened in the past, it seems. There is a lot of interesting little tidbits of the in game recent history, like the colonial war, but it seems a little odd at times, the juxtaposition of the two. When they left, did everybody agree what happened on old earth, died on old earth or something? In comparison to games like No Man's Sky, it is a superior achievement in storytelling, but isn't nearly as cool of a sandbox. But it isn't trying to be the same sort of sandbox that No Man's Sky provides, it's wanting to tell a Bethseda style story... IN... SPACE!!! (Imagine that echoing and reverbing please) It knows what it is, and that is really all it's trying to be. Weirdest thing in game, Real Classical Books, that are public domain. I wonder how long it will be before someone mods in the full versions?


You can see me walking through the first part of the United Colonies military questline in the game and yes, I understand where, how, and who are responsible for the Terrormorphs. I just didn't want to even remotely spoil anything. That does not change that these space pandas are really, really dumb. That questline was actually one of the more fun ones, but that is probably because it was a familiar theme for Bethesda (very "Fallout" as opposed to "Grand Space Odyssey").


It makes me sad that you're not enjoying Starfield the way you'd hoped, or as much as I am... At nearly 300 hours now it's been exactly the kind of all-consuming experience that I wanted from it. But one thing you might be interested in: The mod scene is absolutely on fire for it. As someone who's been hanging around the periphery, making occasional little mods since Oblivion, I've never seen anything quite like it. Hexabits, the author of NifScope, is set to release the first Starfield compatible build this weekend, just 3 weeks in, something that took nearly 3 months for Fallout 4... NifScope being the tool that allows the unpacking and repacking of model, texture and skeleton data. It's the precursor to body and outfit replacers, and although we probably won't see additive content without the Creation Kit to actually, well, add it, I think we're going to start seeing the first wave of body replacers and sexier outfits within just a week or two. And in even sexier news, both Ashal (creator of SexLab) and CE0 (Creator of 0Sex) have come out of semi-retirement and are conversing in the public thread and (I believe) in a private tech thread now, collaborating on the design of a new sex framework that will hopefully raise the bar well above the kinda clunky frameworks we saw in Skyrim and Fallout 4... Still months away, and that definitely needs a new CK before we'll see it, but it's exciting to watch. Finally KingGath, the creator of SimSettlements 1 & 2 hasn't only been talking about the potential approaches for a SimOutposts development, he's also getting swept up in the potential for the ships in Starfield to behave like a roaming settlement, with crew that have their own cabins, actively participate in shipboard life, and do productive ground-based work while you're landed on a planet. That's definitely the furthest away. I'm not expecting anything that elaborate for a year at least, but damn hearing him talk about it gets me hyped.


I will absolutely come back, but I have a schedule to keep. Like this upcoming week is focused on Cyberpunk 2077. From what I hear, the expansion finally delivers on the promise of the original.