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We are well into the end of year videos and the community has had a lot to say! I did have to delay one release (the fantasy list) due to needing to rewrite and remake the Virt-A-Mate video, but hopefully I can fit that in during the week of Christmas.

As for the food video, the response has been muted. I totally get that as this is something very different than the rest of my body of work. I will probably release one more American video and one or two Japanese videos and we'll just see where things stand.

The cross-cultural meta-narrative videos will still get made, because many of you have told me that you're looking forward to seeing those. So don't worry about that.

The plan is still to get the end of month recap out to you all from Japan. I have no idea how that is going to look, so I'll figure it out once I'm there. Next week is the Steam list, which has historically been the most popular video. This year there are 58 titles on the list, which makes it the biggest yet.

Unfortunately there will be some notable absences. I was really surprised at how many games failed to meet the minimum score threshold or didn't have enough total reviews to be in consideration. Last year there were games by creators I knew that didn't make the list and I felt terrible about it. This year is even worse. I'm so sorry!

Other than that, I leave for Japan in just over a week and there is still so much to get done! I hope everyone has an Awesome week!
