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Thanks to everyone for your support! When I first came up with the idea for the channel 2 years ago, I had no idea that this format would actually work. The almost universal positive response has been so amazing. You all are Awesome!

While I love being on YouTube, I do not love dealing with the unending sea of censorship, demonetization, and suppression that comes with my videos. There are so many topics that I want to talk about that YouTube just doesn't allow. YouTube does not make a distinction between "talking about a topic" and "advocating a topic."

So moving forward I am increasing the number of videos that I release on Patreon. The game reviews and lists will remain on YouTube as will most of the occasional "other" videos that I release. But the more sensitive topics and in depth flavor discussions will largely be on Patreon.

I mean the reality is that most of the videos we're talking about would never exist if I was only releasing on YouTube and hopefully I'll be able to make some kind of sanitized version or trailer for YouTube, but we'll just have to see on a case by case basis.

I'd love to hear what you think, so please let me know. I'm still learning as I continue on this journey with the rest of you all. The year end video lists start next week and will continue throughout December. Make sure to let me know what your favorite games of 2022 were and what you think should be Game of the Year. Thanks again for your support and I can't wait to share everything I have planned for 2023!





As much as I dislike paywalls, if you think that's what you need to do to survive, do it. Besides you there's almost nobody sorting the good stuff from the shovelware, so I definitively want you to succeed. I'm not sure demonetization is a problem unique to Youtube, most advertisers just don't want to be associated with sex and pornography. Except for those already advertising such things of course - you might have some luck getting money from porn ads. Where do we let you know what we think should be GOTY? Do we send you a private message?

Jason P

YouTube is how I discovered you.


YouTube is vital to my growth, but they have made it clear that any discussion of sex and sexuality will be met with demonetization and suppression. That makes things much harder for me.