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Sorry about the missed Weekly Update last week. I was completely down with Covid. Fortunately I did manage to get all of the weekly video updates out (which were only a little late) and one review from last month.

I know the audio has been poor for the last few videos. Hopefully we will be able to move into the new place over the next week. That does depend on everyone's covid tests coming back clean. Fingers crossed.

Some of my gear was damaged in shipping, so I don't have lights. Hopefully I will be able to find someplace nearby to replace them as the place I will use for filming in the new house is really, really dark. The sound should be better right away (as long as my voice gets better). I'll put together some kind of video showing the new setup once it is um set up.

I'd had a few messages asking about the credits. I've been using the credits for the month the video was made, not the month the video was released. I hope to have all of the backlog cleared up eventually. I know there is at least one June video still unreleased, but I hope to get that out soon.

I hope everyone has an Awesome week and here is to new places and not having covid!



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