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I hope your holiday was Awesome and Happy New Year!

Surviving the Aftermath


Patron Video for December.mp4

This is "Patron Video for December.mp4" by Annie on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Ariane Barnes

My general feeling about length of video is to MAKE THEM AS LONG AS THEY NEED TO BE. If you have three minutes of things to say in a review video, take three minutes, if you notice a growing trend in the games you have been seeing, and it takes 30 minutes to explain, take 30 minutes. One of my biggest pet peeves in You Tube video essays is video makers taking way too long to get to the damn point. (I'm not saying you do this, just something I see a lot). Essay writing 101 applies to Video essays: Give your thesis statement, then explain it and justify it, then summarize. I bring this up, because with the trend toward longer videos, I see some people doing what we did in high school when asked to write a 5000 word essay, and pad the paper with random brain farts to get to 5000 words. In short, don't worry about the length of your videos.


You bring up an excellent point and one that's been on my mind for several months. In this day of outrage mobs and cancel culture how long can adult games survive? Not only do we have to worry about corporations, Patron and PayPal, just look at Germany, government's are also getting involved. Sure government's have used games as scape goats in the past, but this feels different. Hopefully it's just me overthinking shit but.... I really like the idea of interviewing dev's too. Seems quite ambitious. Some seem driven to the point of obsesion while other's...would love to discuss their work :) I'd love to hear the dev's opinion regarding protecting adult games and how the community can help ensure these games are still being made. Well smarter people than me, will figure things out, just like the rest of your points. I know your somewhat dependent on supporters opinions but you do you and to hell with everything else...you are an artist!


Seriously I really think that brevity is so important in getting a message out. I do understand that sometimes I sacrifice nuance when I do that (looking at you "Mass Effect and Consent" video).


I think there is actually room for compromise and understanding in this space, because both liberal minded and conservative minded people both consume this type of content. I try to avoid most politics both in my videos and on the discord, because I know that will distract from my mission to help normalize adult content in video games. I am very hesitant to post much on twitter. I don't understand the culture there and I'm terrified that I'll get yelled at for liking the wrong post or following the wrong person. It is exhausting. I really wanted to model my channel to be somewhere between Lindsay Ellis and Total Biscuit and they both struggled to deal with mobs and outrage culture.