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This week we have Treasure of Nadia and I'll have an updated list of the most popular new Patreon games of 2021. I've tentatively scheduled Betrayed for Friday's release and I'll make a final decision on it soon.

Over the past 7 months I've gotten a lot of questions about gaming and relationships. Now while I don't think that I am any type of authority on this topic, this does seem to be a really popular subject of discussion. People seem to really want to know the best ways to talk about and share their gaming passion with their significant others.

What do you all think of an video covering some of the most asked questions that people have sent me on this subject? I'd love to help create a constructive conversation about this subject, but I feel out of my depth. Let me know what you think the pros and cons are.




I would be really interested in seeing a video of the most asked questions. As someone who hides it from their wife, I would love to see some discussion about it.

Paul Newmon

I hid it for awhile, and it wasn't very pretty when I came clean.


I'm sure my wife suspects and I don't lie to her when she asks if I watch porn. I guess it's one of those out of sight, out of mind understandings.


I would never bother to hide anything from my SO, but to be fair, I would also never get involved with someone who's not a deviant similar to myself. So me and the girl mostly enjoy our wickedry together. I have heard though, from friends who subscribe to a more 'normal' way of life, that their significant others often feel intimidated or jealous of things like porn, which lacks the interactive customizable properties of a game. Even if your SO isn't necessarily jealous or intimidated, if you suddenly reveal you have a new fetish or a secret fetish you didn't mention after x time, that can be pretty jarring depending on the individual.


So most people hide their sexual desires from their "significant other." This is the biggest cause of relationships failing. The sad thing is that in many cases both people in the relationship are hiding similar desires, but are too ashamed of them to open up.


Sure, otherwise the big reveal wouldn't be such a relevant topic. Because once you open pandora's box, you pretty much have to spill your guts completely with no way to know what will happen next. But the only other choice is to share your life with someone you can't ever really be yourself with, which in my mind, at least, is worse. Given the option though, it's best to tell them all the worst things first, and if they are still sitting there, segue into the good stuff. lol


It's tricky for me because I have a really high libido while my wife has a very low libido.