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How is everyone doing? This upcoming week is probably my most ambitious release schedule yet. Friday will see part 3 of History of the Trainer Genre and Wednesday will see the Most Popular Adult Content Steam Games of all time. Both of those videos required a ton of research and and hopefully everyone will like at least one of them.

I recorded some Persona 5: Royal, but my audio is bad. I then recorded a couple hours of me just playing with the idea of recording audio after the fact, but it feels really... meh. So I may be back to the drawing board until I can find some way to record while I'm playing on the PlayStation without it sounding terrible.

This week we have:


  • House Party


  • Most Popular Adult Content Steam Games of All Time


  • History of the Trainer Genre Part 3

I hope everyone has an awesome week!




Ooh! House Party is a great game - i played through it, but then they updated it and my save was wiped. I know they're working on having a female protagonist, looking forward to revisiting it then!!


A heavy week of content, looking forward to it!


I love that the girls are given actual personality and goals, and romancing them all on one playthrough isn't an option. Also, it's a small thing, but the house itself is a stock asset, it wasn't made by the developer. I've seen it also used in horror games too, which means it takes on a bizarre Kafkaesque twist where suddenly everything is wrong and weird and you don't belong there anymore.


Yeah-- I didn't go into how the game was all repurposed assets. I didn't want to sound like a complete hater.