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So the Akabur video has taken on a life of its own and is now a history of the trainer genre. This includes many examples of games since the late 1980's as well of the historical origins from the 16th and 17th centuries (and a few earlier examples) going up to modern day. I have also attempted to categorize within the genre as well.

So yeah-- I am deep down the rabbit hole on this one. I am totally holding Trude responsible for this one as they gave me the idea when they made me think of My Fair Lady. Anyways: I am not sure if I should release this in parts or just have one really long video. I'd really love to know what you all think about the idea and the new direction this video takes.

I am definitely still getting Top New Patreons of 2021 (So Far: Part II) out on Wednesday. Most of the footage is already done on that and I expect it to be around 14 games. What other content that comes out this week comes down to if I break this trainer thing up or not, so let me know. I really appreciate the help!




With breaking the video up into parts, can it be separated into different sections to create two videos that can stand alone or would they need to be connected to make sense? I don't think it would be a bad idea to take a little bit longer to finish it as one video.


So if I broke it up it I think it would be the origins and the subgenres for the first part. The history of the games would be the second part and the modern releases and discussion about the future would be the third part. All I know is this is way more than anything I have done before. I like short videos. Even broken up this isn't short.


Yeah I think it can work when broken up like that. Something about the slow burn of a trainer game just makes the payoff more satisfying. I just finished Paprika Trainer (recommended from you FotW video, thank you) and it was really good.


The... RRRRAIN... in... SPAIN, falls MAIN-ly... On the... ... ...PLAAAIN!!!! 😂😂😂


As someone who personally enjoys longer videos, I am all for one part, though of course I wouldn't say "no" to two (or even several, if you feel the material warrants it) videos in a series. In either case, I am really looking forward to it. It is such an interesting subject (love the trainer genre myself; probably my favourite) and your brief description does an amazing job at wetting my appetite.


Greater than 20min I recommend dividing evenly. Algo-tube likes being placated. Find a good spot to drop a cliffhanger or controversy that will be explained in part two. Like "This leads us to cats and dogs actually liking each other, find out how this even came to be in the next video!"

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-07 17:40:02 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LhmHO6qXf4&list=PLBitIgZ_UvGFNHPFlRg4834gYBmbYmdr7
2021-06-15 02:59:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LhmHO6qXf4&list=PLBitIgZ_UvGFNHPFlRg4834gYBmbYmdr7
