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With 2024 quickly creeping over the horizon, it's time for me to start setting goals for the coming new year. While I already have a few ideas for what I'd like to do, I'm concerned about my patrons' wants first and foremost: You lot are a huge reason why I'm able to make rent and do what I love, so your opinion means a lot to me when I'm making choices concerning my work and business.

So, that in mind, I want to know what you'd like to see more of from me across my many art-based ventures: Adoptables, fan arts, traditional drawings, digital renderings, original art, merch, scenes, sculptures... if you have an idea, request, or expectation for me, I want to hear it, as it will help me plan out my work schedule in the coming year, as well as rewards, bonuses, and more that I'd like to give back to you guys for supporting my art.

As always, thanks a million for all that you do, and I hope to make you proud in 2024. Let's make this a kickass year!



I think fan art would be a good way of letting your fans know what you're into


I absolutely agree! I’ve been meaning to do more fan art for a while, it’s just difficult to motivate myself to draw for myself when the goblin in my brain is SCREAMING that I’m wasting my time and would be better off drawing something for someone else or working on a commission.