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Newer patrons may not be familiar, but back in the early days of this patreon, I would do monthly illustrations based on prompts and themes voted on by my lovely patrons. This changed after a few high-tier donors had to pull out their donations due to their financial situation.

Now that I'm back to earning over $250 a month (Thank you all so very much, by the way-- I can't overstate how much this means to me), it's time that I bring it back.

Basically how this works is that every month's poll will revolve around a specific theme-- This can be different aesthetics, color schemes, characters, fandoms, or anything else that strikes my interest at the time. The winning selection becomes a fully-fledged illustration.

I've got a few themes queued, buuuut I also want to know what sort of poll themes you would like to see!

So, feel free to drop me a comment or a DM with whatever you'd like to vote on in future polls-- there are no wrong answers or bad ideas. I just want to know what you're interested in seeing!